Part two

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   I woke up early that morning at around 5 am our house elf Lana came into my room and I handed her a packing list and she quickly started getting my clothes and books in a trunk my father gifted me. I walked downstairs and ate some grits and then went back up to my room Lana our sweet free house-elf laid me our a black tennis skirt a crew crewneck and my red tie and my white high top converse shoes I got in a muggle store when I went too with my dad. I put my curls in a low bun that hung more to the left than in the middle. I pulled out some smaller hairs then put the pin Neville gave me the day before in my bun. The sunflower looked great next to my dark brown hair and olive skin and made all of the freckles I had all over my body stand out. I put some blush on and cherry chapstick and my perfume that smells like roses and ivy. I grabbed my trunk and toad and got in my dad's car and we drove to the platform. I kissed my dad goodbye and went to platform 9 and 3/4 as soon as I went through the wall I noticed I was the second one there and who did I see standing in front of me. Neville, he saw me and his eyes lit up I ran to him and hugged him. He gently grabbed my waist and held me. We pulled away then Neville looked back and forth to see if there was anyone else there and to their luck, it was just them. Neville grabbed ell by her waist and tucked her hair behind her ear and saw the pin and said " wow ell you're wearing my pin" she responded with " how could I not my love" he blushed and pulled her in for a kiss." they grabbed their trucks and toads and loaded them onto the train it was just them on the train at first and they found a seat that could only fit two and sat down and shut the door.

   Neville looked at me in my eyes and said " hey ell I know it's been two days but I like you more than a Friend. Will you be my girlfriend?" I screamed on the inside of joy I got up and went on Neville's side of the small room and snuggled in close too him and looked him in the eyes and said wow I can't believe your all mine." nev smiled and pulled her in close and they both fell asleep."

Neville and I woke up at Hogwarts someone had already taken our trucks for us and Neville grabbed my hand and we walked to the castle.

   It wasn't my first time here my dad use to bring me when I was young to see moony. Neville and I went to the great hall and ate the food and got the big annual speech and I git a welcome from everyone. Neville and I went to the Gryffindor common room. A professor came in she had long grey hair and looked like she was a witch from muggle books. She came up to me and pulled me to the side and said. " miss may we have run out of dorm space in the girl's wing we are moving you into a dorm with a young man called Neville your father told me you love plants so we think you guys will get along nicely, it also looks as if you guys have already met. " I told her that Neville helped me get my supplies for school at Digon ally the day prior.

   I went up to Neville and looked him in the eyes and said did you know about this. He shook his head and grabbed my hand and lead me to his room. It smelt just like him and it had many marvellous plants. There were two beds.

   By the time I unpacked my bags it was night Neville got changed into a pair of striped PJ pants. And a matching shirt. I had a red tee-shirt and a loose pair of shorts. I crawled into one bed and Neville went into the other bed. We both said good night to each other. Neville was trying to sleep but I could tell he could not sleep. And neither could I. I got out of bed and walked over to Neville's bed. And I shook him it did startle him a slight bit. But I said hey I'm cold I could use some cuddles. He got up and kissed me and I crawled into his bed he Crawled in after me. I laid my head on his chest he had his arms around my waist and we fell asleep in each other's arms.

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