Chapter Twenty Three

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One Week Later:

Aspen's Point Of View:

Aspen's Outfit Below:

I had no appetite, but, I knew that I had to eat for the sake of the small foetus growing inside of me. So, with a heavy stomach, I forced down the slice of toast, ignoring the sickening feeling in the bottom of my stomach. It's been like this for a week now. Everyone congratulating me, my appetite playing hide and seek with me, the realisation that I am pregnant... Everything. I've been avoiding everyone, even Harry. I don't know how to feel about this. I never wanted children.

How do I tell Harry that I might want a termination?

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Later that day, I went to visit my Mum's grave. I thought that maybe speaking to her would help, even if she couldn't answer me back. I needed someone to listen to me and not judge me for the way I feel. Aubrey would be shocked, Dad would pity me, Harry would be angry with me and anybody else was out of the question.

"Hi, Mum. I'm here because I need some advice. You see, I'm pregnant, but, I'm not sure if I want to keep the baby. I don't know how to have the conversation with Harry about it. I'm scared, Mum. Scared that he'll leave me, that this will be the deal breaker."

I could feel tears leaking down my face as I let all of my feelings and emotions.

"Awh, poor pathetic Queen."

I frown and begin to turn around, only to be hit on the back of the head.

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Third Person Point Of View:

Harry was worried about his Wife. He hadn't heard from her all day and it was now night. Aubrey hadn't seen her, Nathan hadn't seen her and neither had the others. So, as it were, he had everyone gathered in the living room, wanting to find Aspen and find her quick.

"Try and remember, Guys! When was the last time anyone saw her?"

He demanded his friends, but, nobody could answer him because truth be told, nobody had seen her all week. A maid who had heard about her missing Queen had decided to tell the King what she knew.

"My King? A few hours ago, I heard the Queen mumbling about her Mother. I don't know if this helps in anyway."

She says quietly and Harry turns to Nathan, who speaks.

"Cruella's grave."

He says and everyone stands, ready to move out. Harry thanks the maid as he passes and she bows to him, happy to have been of service.

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Aspen had obviously been at the cemetery. Her shoe had been found near her Mum's grave and there was a few drops of blood on the grass. Harry, Nathan and Aubrey were beside themselves, wondering who could have taken Aspen and why. Liam, London, Niall, Nancy, Louis, Loou and Zayn returned from checking the cemetery grounds with an epiphany.

"The Werewolf Luna."

London says and Harry sighs.

"Of course. Alana. Why hadn't I thought of her?"

He rambles and Nathan speaks up.

"She'd have taken her to her and Callun's cabin in the woods adjacent to their palace."

He says and Harry nods, turning to Nancy, Loou and London.

"Take Aubrey back to the castle. Keep her safe."

He says and Aubrey hugs her Dad before leaving with the girls. Harry turns to the rest.

"To the cabin."

He says and in agreement, they leave the cemetery.

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Aspen's Point Of View:

At first, I wasn't sure if I wanted this baby, but, now that there was a chance that I could lose it, I wanted nothing more than to protect it. Alana delivers one more swift kick to my pelvis before retreating.

"I've waited for this moment since you killed Callun. Now that it's here, I want to savour it."

She smirks and I groan as tears slip from my eyes and I grip my stomach as I pray that my baby is okay.

"Savour it by killing an innocent unborn baby?!"

I spit at her and she chuckles.

"It might not be the best way to savour it, but, oh, it's so much fun."

She sneers evily and I glare at her. As she nears me again, the door to the cabin burst open and Harry storms in. Behind him is my Dad, Liam, Louis, Niall and Zayn. I sigh in relief as Liam and Zayn grab ahold of Alana while Harry and my Dad rush over to me. Louis and Niall check the cabin for others.

"Harry! The baby!"

I cry out, seeing blood dripping out of my lower regions. Wide eyed, he lifts me up and carries me out of the cabin with my Dad following closely behind while the others contain Alana.

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Moving the wand around my stomach, the doctor tries to find the baby's heartbeat. As time goes on, he looks doubtful. He places his wand down and turns to me with a sorrowful expression.

"I'm so very sorry."

He says, but, before we could react, the Witch enters the room carrying a vial. She hands it to me and I frown.

"Drink it."

She says and I nod and do as she says. Once empty, I hand it back to her. She then turns to the doctor.

"Try again."

She says and he hesitates, but, then picks the wand back up and moves it to my stomach.

I sob leaves my mouth at the beautiful sound. Harry, confused and concerned, turns to the Witch.

"What did you do?"

He asks her and she smiles.

"I resurrected your baby."

She says and my smile drops.

She brought our baby back to life? Will there be any consequences that our baby will have to bare?

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