Chapter 9 ちゃpてr 9

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          "Tenten stretches her body because she was a little tired from their missions, but Rock-Lee was in a training and I was shocked because he's not even getting tired. I think he wants to be so strong and I kinda like what he's doing. Neji is with Hinata, he and Hinata was in a training too."

Tsunade: Hey, are you Ayane?

Ayane: Oh! Lady Tsunade! I-I didn't see you there. I'm sorry...

Tsunade: Don't worry. It's okay. "She smiles"

Ayane: Uh, yes. I'm Ayane. Is there anything I can do to help you?

Tsunade: There's nothing, but...I've just talked to your Mom earlier. She's buying a house here and she's ready to build a home for you two. I said that "She's allowed, but are you two going to live here permanently?" She replied and she said "I don't know yet". Until she just said something about her life with her husband before.

Ayane: *Gasps* About Mom and Dad?

Tsunade: Yes, she said "I missed this town. Me and Asato used to hang out and we're eating Ramen in a whole time. But since he died, I felt that...I'm being alone forever..."

Ayane: Oh...I feel bad for Mom...I miss Dad too...He died since I'm still a baby...I can't even have a chance to say goodbye to him...*Cries*...I love Dad very much...*Sniffs*

Tsunade: Don't cry...I think your Dad is watching with you...but in heaven...He loves you too the way you loves him...I think he's happy while hearing what you said right now.

Ayane: Haha! Yeah...Thank you for comforting me, Lady Tsunade...It means a lot! "I hug her tightly"

Tsunade: No problem, Ayane. Have fun and enjoy living here! I'm just going to work now. "She pats my head and walks away"

Tenten: Hello there! I've seen you around sometimes. You're Ayane, right?

Ayane: Yup. That's my name! And you are Tenten?

Tenten: Yeah, how are you doing?

Ayane: I'm doing fine...*Sigh*...Actually, not really...

Tenten: Oh...what's bothering you today?

Ayane: It's just...I still need to know the truth about my Dad. I didn't know where I've got this kind of power. I just think I'm not normal anymore...

Tenten: Don't think about that. You're still a Human. Umm, you're a great Ninja too! So, why would you say such thing?

Ayane: I-I don't know...But thank you for having a great friend like you. "I smile and hug her"

Tenten: No problem! See you later. "She walks away while waving at me"

Ayane: *Whispers* I wonder what to do now...*Sigh* "I went where Mom is, but instead of talking to her, I sneak into our new house and I tried to find some clues to know the truth about Dad until I've saw a notebook. I think it's from my Mom. It looks like a diary, but I don't wanna look at it because DUH! It's a diary, you know. But It's not that bad if I look at it just a little and read a few pages. I open the notebook and read it. It says:

"This is my first time to train with my Older Brother and learn some few techniques of becoming a Ninja. I was so scared that what if I didn't surpass him and what if he gets angry about it? I just followed what he was doing and later on, I surpassed him! I'm so happy that day! My dream was to be a Great Shinobi like Mom and Dad!

One day, I was walking and I saw a boy. He's cute and handsome too, but a little childish. We've met each other when he noticed me and started to say "Hello". We became best friends until we grow up. I'm 18 years old now. I was so shy to tell him the truth that I didn't know why I've fell in love with a cute boy and kind boy like him. Until he talks to me and he said "Why are you quiet today? I always knew that you were so cheerful everyday we spend time together. Is there anything that bothering you and that made you so quiet? You can tell me everything and I can keep secrets too. I'm your best friend, so you've supposed to talk to me anything you want. Please answer me..."

Hitomi: Ayane?

Ayane: *Gasps* I wasn't doing anything! I swear, you didn't saw anything! "I hid the notebook behind me and I was so nervous"

Hitomi: Ayane, what are you doing here?

Ayane: Oh, uh...I-I'm just wandering around in our be house! T-That's all...

Hitomi: Sweetie...Tell me the truth...What exactly are you doing here? You don't need to worry about it...I always understand you...

Ayane: Umm...Mom...I'm so sorry...*Cries* I can't help it! I just can't stop thinking about Dad...I wanted to know the truth...Am I Human? What happened to Dad? What caused him to die like that?

Hitomi: Ayane...your Dad is...*Sigh*
Come sit here and I will tell you the story... "I sit besides Mom and I wipe my tears"

Hitomi: When I was a kid, your Dad and I are close to each other. Because we are best friends.

                        "Long Ago"

Hitomi: Hahaha! That was a funny joke I've ever heard! Hahaha!

Asato: You're so cute when laughing.

Hitomi: Oh! *Blushes* T-Thank you...
Um, you too...

Asato: Hehe! Thanks. But I'm not sure I'm cute as you. You're the cutest girl that I've ever seen. "He smiles"

Hitomi: Uh...Thank you..."I smile back"

"When we are now a teenager and Jonin, I used to hide at him because I'm very shy when he's around.
Ayane: More like Hinata. Hehe!
Until he said to me what he really feels about me. He loves me too the way I loves him. I'm surprised, but I feel the same way, so that I told him what I feel too. That day was my first kiss from Asato.
Ayane: Aww...That's so sweet! I can now think the Anime I watched before. Hehe! It's the same as you and Dad.
Hitomi: Yeah...your brain is full of Anime! *Sigh* Okay, back at the story...
-It's not the end because someone destroys the Konoha. Kushina and Lord Fourth are in danger. Also their child.
Ayane: *Gasps* You and Dad lived in Konoha?! And you know Kushina and Minato too?! For real?!
Hitomi: Of course. And Kushina is pregnant that day. Until she gave birth of Naruto. But Asato saw who's behind everything. He told me he's going to warn Lord Fourth about it. I said that "I want to go with you. I can't let you be in danger too." But Asato didn't Listen to me. He went to Obito with Lord Fourth and they fight Obito all the way they can, but...*Cries* I didn't think's the end of Asato...*Sniffs* Obito killed him while Lord Fourth is still fighting with Obito. Before he died, he uses his power like yours. But it's not enough to defeat Obito. You are the only one who can defeat him because your fire is more strongest than your Dad.
A few days past, I was sick all day and I didn't think that I was pregnant of you...

-To Be Continued! ♡

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