part 5: "you love me too?"

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(still Mikes point of view.)

        "Hey will, you there??!" i say on the walkie talkie. I know he won't answer, but i'd still like to try. "Will, come on man. Answer me." Ugh, Will, PLEASEE. I'm begging you. Just pick up the walkie. "Will, If you can hear this, meet me at my house at 7. Please." still nothing. At this point, i just feel so hopeless, until I hear a static coming from the walkie talkie "Fine. I'll be there." Oh my gosh. He answered. He actually answered. I feel so relieved.
             A little while later, my mom calls my name. "Mike, honey, will you come downstairs please. Oh shit. I was so focused on what i was gonna say to will that just for a second, I forgot all about the humiliation that happened at school. "Coming" I yell out. I'm so scared. What are my parents going to say to me. What if they don't accept me. SHUT UP! STOP THINKING NEGATIVELY! They're not gonna yell at you after what happened.
          I walk downstairs, slowly, dreading having this conversation. I'm not too close with mom and dad, so i feel this will be awkward as hell. "Mike, are you coming?" my mom calls out. "Yeah mom" i decide to just run downstairs. Both of my parents are sitting on the couch, looking straight at me. Ugh, I thought talks like this only happened in the movies.
         "Mike, honey, Your principle called today." mom says softly. "He Says you got picked on at school." ya, because being outed and humiliated is getting "picked on." "Um, Yeah. I guess." i say quietly. "No big deal." ugh. Even someone who can't see emotions could tell i was faking. "Mike, It is a big deal. Someone says they say you by the quarry. You weren't planning on doing anything, were you?" At this point, i just break down. "I just had the worst day of my life! I cant do this anymore. Please don't be mad. I'm sorry if this is shameful for our family! You must be so disappointed in me!" I'm laying in my mothers arms now, choking out words. "Mike, sweetie." Mom laughs out, "We're not disappointed! We're so proud of you. You are so brave." i look up, and can't help myself from smiling. "Really." i ask. "Yes son, Of course we are. What kind of parents would we be if we weren't." dad says.
I get up and hug both of my parents. For the first time in a long time, i genuinely feel love from the both of them. Suddenly, i hear a knock at the garage door. Oh shit. I look down at my watch. It's 7:01. "Will!" I quickly run outside. It's pouring rain.
"What do you want wheeler." will says, uninterested. "You wanna humiliate me again, is that why you wanted me to come over." Ouch. That stung, Will. He's never called me wheeler before. He's looking up to the side, like what everyone does when they're mad and it's awkward. "Will, of course not." i start. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to humiliate you. I just didn't know what to say. Everything just slipped out, i wasn't thinking right." "Oh" Will says. "Well, You kind of ripped my heart out when you said that, "i'm not gay blablabla", It made me feel like a freak. You might as well have just said "Sorry Will, I'm not a queer like you. Get out of my face." I can handle you not feeling the same way, Mike, But making me feel like how you made me felt, that wasn't cool at all." "Will," i say "I- I-" I don't know what to say. I cant just say, "I have feelings for you," I'll get all tongue tied. "Ok Mike, Of your not gonna say anything, I'm gonna just leave. Bye." Hes starting to walk away, and i tell myself, "Mike! Go for it Now! Don't be a pussy again." "Will! I call out to him. When he doesn't turn around, I run towards him, Turn him around, and kiss him. I've only kissed el before, and with her, i felt nothing. But when i kissed Will, Fireworks. It felt like we were the only people left in the world, just me and Will, all alone, standing in the pouring rain. We slowly pull away from each other. I look into his eyes, and he looks at mine, and we both give out relieved laughs. " me too?" Will asks me. "Of course I do Will, and nothing in the world is ever gonna change that." "But, You said you weren't gay" he says. "Well, i am. Or at least Bi. I guess i just panicked, that's all." i say. "Wait, what about El? Won't she be mad." will asks. "I'm sure She'll understand." I tell him. "I really hope she does." He says, worryingly. "Hey, what are you so worried about?" I ask him. "Well, I guess, I guess i'm just scared you'll hide again and go back to El." "Hey!" I kiss him again. This time for even longer. Ah, I love that feeling. You really haven't lived until you have a true love kiss. "Don't worry, Will. I'm love you. I'll always love you, And nothing can change that." I say. "I love you too" Will says. he's grinning so big now, I can't help but laugh. He's such a dork. "Hey, Let's go inside." I say. "It's pouring out here." "Nah, I like the vibe. It's romantic." Will says happily. "Ya, It is. Hey, Did i tell you that I love you." I laugh out. "Shut up!" Will giggles.
"I love you."

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