New Lovers

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           "You ready?"

Charlize looked at Cedric before glancing back toward the dark hedges before her.


Cedric gave a nervous chuckle before offering the most reassuring smile he could muster. They, along with the other champions and each of their friends were standing under the stands, waiting to be called to the front. Fred and George had been there in support of Charlize and Harry, along with Hermione and Ron.

            "You've got this alright? It's a maze, how bad could it be?" Fred asked, trying to ease the tension but the knot in his stomach made it difficult.

Charlize shook her head and grabbed Fred's arm, pulling him away from the group. Fred followed, eyebrows tied together in confusion as the shorter girl before him looked around before pulling him down closer to her level.

           "Something isn't right Freddie, I can- I can feel it." Charlize said, jittery with nerves.

Fred grabbed her hands, holding them tightly as he looked into her eyes with worry, "Hey, hey, hey, calm down alright. Nothing is going to happen to you, I won't let anything happen ok?"

           "Freddie..." Charlize shook her head, "You aren't going to be in there with me, what happens then?"

           "I'll tell you what's going to happen, you're going to compete and win. And when you get back out here I'll be waiting alright?"

Charlize nodded slowly as Fred's hand came up to cup her cheek, "You're right. Ok, ok I'm ready."

Fred pulled her in for a hug, pressing his lips to her forehead before they walked back to the group, luckily it was just as the champions were being called to prepare for the task.

           "Listen, I have to tell you something." Cedric started, looking at Taylor.

Charlize was quiet, interest piqued, as she rejoined the group.

           "No, it can wait, you have to start the task." Taylor said, with a gentle shake of her head as she tried to walk toward the stands.

Cedric shook his head as he reached for her wrist as he called out, "I'm in love with you."

Taylor stopped moving as she turned to look at him, yes wide in shock.

           "Shut up."

           "You have been the most oblivious, irritating, and completely amazing person I have ever known so-"

Taylor cut him off, "What about Cho?"

           "Cho is great, but far less aggravating than you. I couldn't possibly see her the same way I see you, so after I win this tournament will you please go to Hogsmeade with me?" Cedric asked, his face turning a bright red.

           "Like... on a date?"

Charlize chuckled at the cluelessness of her friend, Cedric also letting out a laugh.

           "I was hoping my confession would be context enough for you to know it was a date."

Taylor scoffed, "Well I just wanted to b-"

Her words were cut short, a gasp taking its place seeing as Cedric had just smashed his lips onto hers. Charlize's lips fell into an 'o' shape as she refrained from calling out an 'I told you so' to both of her friends.

Cedric pulled away slowly, a boyish smile painted on his delicate lips.

           "Wait for me, ok?"

Taylor nodded, a sheepish smile was worn proudly.

The band was playing at an impressive volume as Charlize stood with the rest of the champions, no longer feeling the giddiness of being right about her friends having feelings for each other. The feeling of dread had returned to her stomach, eyes glancing over to Cedric who was standing just a few feet away.

Cedric wore a proud smile as he looked at Taylor now in the stands. Although to Charlize he looked impossibly far away, as if she was watching him through a veil.

           "Good luck." A soft French accent brought her back to reality.

Fleur had a look of wariness in her eyes but her expression of happiness masked it well.

           "You too." Charlize nodded, subtly rubbing her moist palms against her tights in an effort to dry them as she turned to look back toward the stands.

Charlize felt her heart drop as she caught an icy blue gaze. Draco Malfoy was, for the first time in months, acknowledging her existence. She refused to shy away from his stare, knowing he was also too stubborn to look away. Draco's hands went cold and the back of his neck tingled at the receiving end of Charlize's disappointed look. What he wasn't expecting was the almost transparent smile that came across her lips. He could still remember how soft they were, what they felt like when he kissed them. The sad smile that they now held made his stomach turn. The blood came back to the tips of his fingers and a familiar feeling of regret washed over him as Charlize turned away, the task was starting.

As Dumbledore started to speak, Charlize stood next to Harry, as everyone else had a family member and she had told her father to stay in the stands so Harry wasn't alone. Harry looked at her with a look of worry not bothering to pretend, like everyone else, that everything was fine. She gave him a nod, trying to seem reassuring but she was sure it did not come off like that.

Severus Snape was indeed in the stands, his wrist had been itching and burning for weeks now and he was just hoping this task would end soon so he could continue keeping a careful eye on his daughter.

           "...they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mr. Krum, Miss Snape, and Miss DeLacour."

Cheering had started for each of the champions, not helping anyone nerves.

           "First person to touch the cup will be the winner." Dumbledore concluded.

He continued on about the logistics and how to withdraw from the task but Charlize tuned it out, instead thinking of spells she might have to use, wondering about the things she might see.

The contestants were called by Dumbledore to gather around him.

           "In the maze, you'll find no dragons or creatures of the deep. Instead, you'll face something even more challenging." He stopped, looking into each of their eyes before continuing, "You see, people change in the maze. Oh find the cup if you can, but be very wary. You could just lose yourself along the way."

Dumbledore broke the circle and Charlize couldn't help but laugh to herself, she wasn't exactly on the best terms with her own mind.

           "Champions, prepare yourselves!"

The crowd cheered even louder, now standing to their feet. Charlize could here Fred chanting her name along with George and Lee before Hermione joined in. She stopped trying so hard to identify each voice, focusing more on the opening of the maze.

Harry went to one of the openings of the maze, next to Moody, and Cedric went to another opening with his father. The two hugged, always a loving father and son duo, and Amos Diggory pulled away as he looked at his child, his boy, with amazement.

Harry and Cedric looked at each other as Dumbledore started his count, it was cut short however as Filch had the cannon sound before the number three was reached. Cedric and Harry gave short shrugs before entering into the maze.

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