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No one's pov

Again now they were on the bike going onto another destination. It was evening almost. The sun was up in all glory shading orange, golden and yellow lights on each and everything. The golden yellowish lit sunlight falling onto Taehyung and making his honey tanned skin look so beautiful that Jeongguk kept on staring at Taehyung from the side mirror. His focus was less on the road but more on the ethereal beauty sitting behind him who was clutching onto him tightly.

Whenever the hybrid caught the younger staring at him here and there he used to blush like a tomato and burry his head in the younger's back and used to say small muffled 'stop it. ' which received a giggle and 'never' in return. The elder was loving the long ride. It felt like he was free not only him but also his bunny lover felt the same.

Suddenly in between the ravenette stops the bike and gets down from it. The hybrid just looks at him confused. Then the ravenette pulled out a black colored material from his pocket and covered the elder's eyes. It was a blindfold.

"Ho-honey? What ar-"

"It's a surprise baby. I know it's a place you what to go. " Jeongguk says and pecks the elder's lips before sitting onto the bike and bringing Taehyung's hands to hold his waist before starting the bike. After 4-5 minutes or so they reach the destination. Take a guess what it was...... Jeongguk then parks his bike somewhere near the parking area and gets down. He again removes the helmet and picks up the hybrid effortlessly and keeps him down. The younger then holds the elder's hand walks towards the entrance.

Tae's pov

Omg I'm so so excited. Why won't he say where we are going. I've been trying everything but it's not of any help. Let's wait and see. And Gukkie leads me somewhere. After sometime we stop and I feel everything quite. Suddenly the blind fold gets removed from my eyes. I blink my eyes rapidly to get adjusted to my surrounding.

As it was past sunset everything was a bit dark. I turn towards Gukkie and he raises his both hands and claps. I'm confused right now but then just as he clapped the whole area illuminated with bright colorful lights. I gasp at everything. The surrounding was now bright and beautiful. My eyes turn teary as I look around. It's the place where I always wanted to go from when I was a small child. I take a 360° turn and when my eyes land on Jeongguk I broke out a sob. And then one more and more and I finally started crying. Gukkie comes close and hugs me.

"Baby hey my love. What's the matter? Don't cry my baby.. You don't like i-" I cut off Gukkie as I pull back and wrap my arms around his neck and peck him multiple times.

"Gukkie *muah* I *muah* love *muah* it *muah* sosososososo *muah* much.*muah* Thank *muah*you *muah*my *muah* Bunny. "

"Hehe. Enough enough I'm dying with your kisses and cuteness. If you don't stop I'll eat you here and now. " Gukkie says and I playfully smack as well as glare at him.

"Aww is my love shy, hmm? " He teases me and kisses my cheeks.

"Naaht naaht no!! S-stop teasing m-me Gukkie. " I stutter at the wrong time I just wanna slap myself internally. Ughhhh!!! Namjesus help me from my Bunny.

"Okay okay I'll stop, hmm?! Now LET'S GET IT. " He says like he is on a mission and I giggle at how cute he is. I humm in response. As we walk I notice that there is no one other than us. So I decided to ask Gukkie why.

"Hey Gukkie! Why is it so empty? Are we only here? "

"Baby I rented the whole place just for us today so that we could spend time together alone. It's just us and the ones who work here. "

"W-what? Wh-whole place Gukkie? But why? "

"For you my love. I know you'll feel uncomfortable if we are in crowded place and since it's your first time I wanted to make it special. "

𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐌𝐞 𝐓𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 (:𝐭𝐚𝐞𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤:) 💜𝐁𝐓𝐒💜✔Where stories live. Discover now