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A/N: Hello Author here!! Merry Christmas dears 💜✨💜✨ Have a happy and blessed Christmas. I just wanted to tell if your really happy and don't want to spoil the mood please don't read. You can read it tomorrow. Thank you 💜✨

No one's pov

In the office. ( Taejoon and Hyungsik)

"So tell me everything clearly. Now!! " Hyungsik almost bangs his hands on the table. (A/N: I just realized I have been writing Hyungsik wrong throughout the story.)

"Okay okay calm down let's sit first. So the thing is... " Taejoon speaks.

"Yes? "

"Namjoon and Taehyung are my son. "

"Oka- HUH??? You mean the one who left the house and the one whom you sold it's both of them?!?! "

"Yeah. But I really don't like this Taehyung. He is nothing like a man, he can't even fight back, so useless. But on the other hand Namjoon was more smart and mature as well as stronger than him. But that sh*thead decided to leave.

Nahyun (mother) decided to leave separately since I didn't like that Taehyung when he was four. Because of him I separated from my wife. And because of him Namjoon left me when he was 8. Taehyung was 7 at that time you know we had a lot to handle that time so I was already angry and then one night he came in front of my house crying and wailing loudly with a letter. I opened it and I became really angry and sad because I found out that Nahyun died.

After that he started living with me since I had no choice and guess what he was the best person to remove all my anger and frustration on. After two years I got a deal when we were visiting the shelter you remember? *Hyungsik nods* In exchange of a person I can get money. "

"Wasn't I paying you enough?? " Hyungsik quirks an eye brow.

"Hey you paid enough I know but he was useless to keep so I decided it. And then we lost contact. That's it. I can't believe that Namjoon decided to go with Jeons. "

"So this is all mess. Hmm I see. " Hyungsik says and Taejoon nods.

At the basement. (Morning)

Tae's pov

I wake up. Owwie my head and my body pains so much. I try to turn but something stops me so I look down. And I see my babies sleeping. Awww such a cute sight.

I was looking at them and I didn't notice someone coming my way. Suddenly a pair of shoes come in my eyesight. I look at them and start looking upwards. It's him.

"W-why are y-you here?!!! Le-leave us al-alone. I beg you please.... "

"Shut up suffer now I thought I'll bring the doctor for you but you look good so it's of no use. " He clenches his fist with anger and kicks me into my stomach and the babies wake up.

"You deserve it. Now suffer. " He says and leaves. The kids start crying again seeing me get hurt. I try to calm them but the pain is too much. It's been very long since I've got so much of beatings. I wish I was with Gukkie and Hyungs somewhere playing with these babies.

"Shush calm down cuties it's okay. I'm okay, hmm? Calm down for me come on. Everything is gonna be okay. Now come on rest. " After sometime I heard some growls coming from the kids stomach.

"Are you guys hungry? " They all nod and look at me sadly. I feel so bad for putting them into such a situation. Please make some miracle happen. Please.

"I'm so sor- " *thud* The door open and two built men come in.

"What do you what?!?!? " I ask them waiting for a response but nothing comes. They both suddenly catch the babies by their collars and pick them up.

𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐌𝐞 𝐓𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 (:𝐭𝐚𝐞𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤:) 💜𝐁𝐓𝐒💜✔Where stories live. Discover now