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I died💘💘 I know you did too. Uff I'm a sucker for his collar bones.

Tae's pov

Arghh!! My head hurts. Saying I reached out for my head but my hands are tied. Huh? Why are my hands tied. Wait why is it dark? A blindfold? What where am I?

Wait a minute what happened?!? Suddenly all the memories cames flooding right into my mind. I'm so sorry everyone I had to do it. I can't believe I-I did everything. It was so hard for me. But I had to I'm so sorry everyone. I had to do it for you my love, for you Hyungs, and also for my lovely brother and my babies.

I burst out into tears. I can feel the blindfold getting wet. I'm so sorry everyone. But why am I here? Then I remember when I was removed from the house he came to me.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH NOOO NOOOO NOT HIM!!!!! WHY HIM!!!!!! " I shout unknowingly but I'm not alone. I hear some muffled noises. Noises of kids crying why are kids here? Whose kids are these? Suddenly I hear the door open and some footsteps. I become terrified.

"W-who is i-t? W-why have y-you br-brought me h-ere? "

"Still the same slut huh!! You haven't changed a bit. "

That voice no no no no no it can't be. I frantically start shaking my head. But suddenly he grabs my hair and pulls them.

"Ahhhhh please nooo. Don't, please leave me. Dad. "

"Shut up. You. Don't. Dare. Say. That. To. Me. I ain't YOUR DAD. YOUR JUST NOTHING TO ME. " He yells and slaps me. I would have fallen if he was not grabbing my hair. It hurts it really does. The stinging sensation.

No one's pov

The so-called Taehyung's dad(🤢🤮) started beating him more. Calling him bad names and stuff. And almost beating him till he was about to pass out. The small kids were sobbing and wailing loudly but it came as muffled screams seeing one of their favorite Hyungs and a Mama figure to Taegguk getting beaten in front of their eyes. He ends with a last kick onto the poor boys stomach but was again gonna go for one more blow but the door opens and someone comes.


"Huh? Park what's wrong? " Taejoon questions the man who just entered.

"That's enough for today I need you tell me everything about this boy. Now. In. My. Office. " Hyunsik yells at Taejoon and moves towards the almost lifeless body. He crouches down and starts caressing the hybrids cheek.

"We brought him here. Not for you dumbass. Bogum likes him. You fool. And look what have you done to him. Argh!! Thankfully he doesn't know this and went for some work and also to bring Uncle after coming from the Mall. Call the doctor in the morning. " Hyunsik says looking at the poor hybrid lying lifelessly.

"But he doesn't needs one. He can still handle more beatings than th-" Hyunsik cuts Taejoon and removes the blindfold off from the hybrid boy.

"No he can't now leave. Taejoon go in my office now.

And you baby your not alone, hmm see I brought your friends here too. " Hyunsik makes the boy sit who was blinking rapidly to get adjusted to the lights. The hybrid then looks around and guess who they are? No other than the BABIES!!!!!


"To accompany you sweety. I heard they and you mean a lot to Jeongguk. So here you are. "Hyunsik smirks.

"Bu-but you said if I leave him then you won't do anything to him or even them. "

"Oh sweety your so wrong. You really think we would just leave everything. We are here to take Everything thing from him. Its called Killing two birds with one stone. That's our main motive. You know what his parents death we are the reason. And the reason of his lover, his Hyungs and these precious kids will also be us. We'll make him suffer like how did you us. "

"Bu-but why!! " Taehyung yells with a sudden confidence.

"Just because his parents killed my parents. And they didn't even did anything to protect my parents. They were after my parents property even though they had the whole BigHit stuff. I'll make them pay. They made me and my brother a orphan when we just small kids. "

"No it must be a misunderstanding. They can't kill your parents. " Taehyung says trusting and believing that Jeongguk's parents were good. Because whenever the raven head used to talk about his parents he looked so happy and the way he described his parents was something else. He trusted Jeongguk and so he's sure.

"No there's no misunderstanding. Now rest you need to be ready. Good that you left on your own or he would have done something. " Hyunsik says and leaves the room. Taehyung became so lost in his thoughts that he forgot about the kids.

Tae's pov

Oh nooooo what have I done. Why did I did that!!?? They took advantage. Now what will happen to Gukkie. I have to do something. But will he trust me? Noo he won't. I remember the words he (father) told me before will beating.

"Your just useless. But you did a good job. Now no one will trust you. How can you be my son, huh???!!! That Namjoon is better than you!! At least he had brains but in the end that also didn't work. He left me with you!! You a piece of trash!! "

"I lost everyone. I broke everyone's trust. I hurt my Hyungs, my brother, my love and I'm also dragging my babie- Oh Namjesus!! " I turn around and see the four kids looking at me. Tears flowing continuously non stop. I somehow crawl towards them. Owwie it hurts.

"H-hey babies!! Tata is so sorry my babies. Come here. " I somehow try to stay awake I can't but for them I have too. As I finish the the four start crawling beside me hugging my sides.( they were kinda close enough to hugging but since their arms and legs are tied they can't hold each other) I curl my tail around them in protective manner. They were sobbing badly even Yoonji my heart hurts more now.

"Don't cry my babies. It's okay please forgive me it's because of me you here. I'm so sorry. " I say and Namjin frantically shakes his head.

"No really I'm so sorry. All I can do now is pray for us my babies. Are you guys hurt anywhere? " I ask them all of them shake their heads.

"Okay let's rest for sometime, hmm? " They nod and rest their head on my legs. It hurts but it's the least I can I do. They all keep on crying silently. So I asked them,

"Can't sleep right? Want me to sing for you? " They all nod eagerly.

"She looks like a blue parrot
Would you come fly to me?
I want some good day, good day, good day
Good day, good day
Looks like a winter bear
You sleep so happily
I wish you a good night, good night, good night
Good night, good night

Imagine your face, say hello to me
Then all the bad days, they're nothing to me
With you, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

Winter bear
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Sleep like a winter bear
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Sleep like a winter bear

Hmmm mhmmm hmm~~~~ " I look down and see my babies have fallen asleep. I keep on looking at them. They all look so much like us. My gaze then lands on Namjin. Oh Namjoon Hyungie. I miss you so much. I'm so happy that I found you atleast for a short period. I guess that was the reason why I felt so safe with you. I'm sorry Hyungie.

Gukkie I miss you so much. I'm so sorry my Gukkie. I keep on repeating and repeating then my eyes starts to feel heavy and heavy so I close them.

A/N: M'sad this chapter T^T
Btw hehe my crush like green hearts💚 and I like purple hearts💜. Whenever( I mean we talk every day 🤣🤣) we talk I always remember Taekook. 🤭🤭
Have a good day guys. Early update since I will forget it later.

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