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"Are... Are you sure...we need to?" The words come out only half as smooth as I had hoped, the way Silas keeps making me gasp between our kisses making it hard to get my words out at all... The two of us having stolen this moment by slipping into our bedroom after Liam had wandered into the kitchen for a drink and offered to give Grammy the official tour of what they have done so far including the new nursery that will be so extra comfy cozy for our tiny Bean... Perfect for us to sit in there and read them story after story in the rocking chair my sweet mate let me pick out... The time shared between us in these quiet moments secreted away in our bedroom feeling like some of the most special of the day... The way Silas's lips found mine so quickly... 

It hadn't been a surprise to be pinned up against the door by Daddy... Though when his hands had wandered down to my behind it had taken me a bit by surprise when it had slid inside my pants to fondle me over my panties... Though it isn't an unwelcome one... The kisses had been slow and tender... His growls soft... Just loud enough for me to hear and no one else... 

It's a precious moment... But one that can't continue any longer... Daddy being firm in his stance, "If we don't go out there Agatha will either come looking for us... Or convince Liam to change something in the library or nursery..." Silas's lips barely pull themselves away from mine in order to get his words out... And the way that it makes my lips tingle makes me only want to cling to him tighter, my thighs aching with how tightly they're wrapped around his waist... "We... We don't want that... Do we, Princess?

Each word is cushioned by kisses as the afternoon sun does its best to struggle past the closed curtains, the shadows caressing us as we spend these few moments touching each other and just celebrating the love we share... And the fact that our little family is growing just the way we want it too... And it's nice... To share just this tiny bit of privacy... The feeling of our love so tangible in the air that if I were to untangle my hands from Silas's hair and reach out behind him I swear I would be able to scoop it out of the air to hold it just as close as he's holding me...

  And it would feel just as warm.




"...N..No..." My sweet Princess manages to gasp his words in between our kisses... The ones happening now set in the same frantic vibe that our lip-locking always takes when we know we're about to have to pull apart... When we know that even though I'm being careful and holding him softly... That we need to return to Earth from our clouds and confront the reality that comes in the form of the sound of hammers hitting nails ringing so loudly that it kind of surprises me that we were able to get so lost in each other... But sadly as much as I want to carry my sweet Bean over to our bed so we can do what we had planned to do while the guys were all still on lunch and out and about... But... We need to have actual privacy to do what the two of us are currently craving, and we won't have that until the guys pack up and leave for the day... Because even if we go slowly and softly like we're supposed to I know that once I start hitting the right spot Addy won't be able to help himself with how loud his moans get... And I have never found any kind of desire to ask him to really be quiet... Not here at home... 

As much as I want to drag my lips down to kiss up and down his beautiful neck but I manage to resist the urge... The two of us left panting as our foreheads lean against each other for support, my Princess clinging to me in a way that makes me want to ask everyone to go home early... His hands tugging on my hair to run his fingers through it just enough to soothe us both... 




As much as I don't want him to... Daddy seems to see sense in his own words and finds himself breathing deep as he helps me uncurl my legs from around my waist, my hands only staying in his hair thanks to my stretching to keep them there transforming our tender entanglement into the gentlest kind of embrace... Silas's hands finding my waist and holding me close as we share one last kiss, his lips nearly eating me alive with the thinly restrained passion I know is hiding behind them... His cheeks tinted just as red as mine is when he finally pulls away and lets his palm find my cheek, his thumb stroking just under my eye as he makes sure that I know I am loved before reaching for the doorknob... The careful way we rearrange ourselves with his arm slipping up around my shoulders after we leave the room so very familiar and comforting as he keeps me close and all tingly as we walk on air together back to the kitchen so I can grab the picnic basket I've taken to keeping full of snacks for myself along with my favorite blanket... A bar of chocolate maybe not the best thing to replace the sweetness that I find myself missing in the absence of his lips against mine but what I know I'll be reaching for, even if it's just to nibble on a square to keep myself from wandering over and taking a bite out of my man instead. 

  My favorite spot on the grass sure to be sunny enough to read in, and the book I currently have my nose buried in whenever Daddy needs to get himself all sweaty and delicious with all of the tools that I still don't really understand... The distraction it provides minimal compared to how lovely I think it is when he takes his shirt off, the way that it's easy to figure out where I left off the main reason why I picked it... The storyline easy enough to follow even with half my mind obsessing over watching my mate in his handy-man element wishing I could polish the one tool I do understand... 

"You'll get to polish it just as soon as the guys leave, Beautiful... Just be careful not to let me knot your mouth this time so we can keep going once you've had your taste." The carefully whispered words bring out the best kind of shivers and I find my hands gripping my basket just a little bit tighter than before in order to make sure that it hides the tenting I know is happening in my pants at the moment...

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