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"...D...D-Daddy!"  My sweet Princess's moans are whimpered and slow-paced, my mouth currently taking its time as I kiss my way up and down his sweet neck... The way he had clung to me when I was trying to dry him off leading us over here to the bed, the kisses he had pressed into my chest still burning as they linger on my skin as the remaining dampness trapped between us makes it just a bit easier to scrape my body against his slowly, the whimper that frees itself from the back of his throat at the feel of me making him squeeze his pretty thighs around my waist... The feel of him lifting his hips to press his hardness against me asking so sweetly that it be granted attention making it hard to remember to be more gentle than usual, the fingertips of one hand wanting to press in just a bit harder than they should for gentle play... The grunt that greets me when my hand flexes leading me to nip at the tender marks on his neck... No question in my mind that my sweet Princess knows that his Daddy want's him... The two of us so focused on each other and the beautiful way we connect physically... 

Until the sharp rap of a round of knocking rings into the air... Any other time the two of us would ignore it and continue on, anyone in the pack needing me knowing that they can find Liam just as easily, all of our friends knowing at this point to walk in instead of knocking if it an emergency, and to go away if we don't answer the first time... But the banging continues and I find my sweet Bean starting to get out of his precious Princess headspace just enough to keep trying to turn his head towards the direction of the sound with little gasps of "D-Daddy! T-The d-d-door!" leaking from his lips the longer the knocking continues...




It's not that I really want to stop... Just that with the way that person keeps knocking harder and harder that makes me think that it's something important enough that it might not be able to wait... And as frustrating as it is to have to stop... To have Daddy stop when he was just starting to make my toes curl... His lips picking up an urgency they didn't have before as he finishes leaving a hickey that I know will make me feel beautiful in the morning... His hips working against me just in the slightest to give me a hint of the pattern his thrusts would have taken if that fist wasn't pounding on our door... 

Every single part of my soul wishes that I could simply drown out the sound of our front door and let myself get lost in the damp friction of our skin slipping against each other as our love takes physical form by the joining of our bodies... In making love to the love of my life... But someone else apparently has other plans... The loudness of the knock increasing the longer we take... Daddy eventually letting his lips come to a stop so he can let himself rest on top of me for just a moment longer, his face staying right where it is in the crook of my neck where he sighs and gives me shivers that leaves both of us wishing we could take just a little bit longer... Sadness washing over me when he finally starts to lift his body off of mine, my legs hesitant to unlock themselves because I know how much I'll miss him when he's not on top of me anymore... Daddy feeling me staying around him and leaning in to give me the comfort of a kiss just long enough to let me feel okay with letting him go... 

A shirt and a pair of his sweats being walked over to me to get me comfy and covered up before he dresses himself before offering his hand out to me because he knows I'm going to follow him anyway... My body being tugged close so he can slip his arm around my waist as we leave the room... The front door never seeming so concerning or irritating like this before as whoever it is outside only gets louder and louder... Daddy arranging me behind him when we come to a stop so I'm shielded from whoever it is just in case they sound just as angry as their knock makes them sound as they continue to pound, the short breaks between sets of knocks getting shorter and shorter... Daddy's irritation palpable as he opens the door to find someone I never thought I'd see on our doorstep when I peek around his side only to see... 




"Pop?" Finding Dad on my doorstep when he made a very clear point to stick me all the way out here in the first place when I was still so young and the house was barely more than a shoddy bedroom and a kitchen shocks me, and the only words I can think to let crawl out of my mouth to the man while he stares at me trying to figure out how to explain himself is, "I hope you bruised your knuckles. Thanks for the help at the conference but you're not welcome here."

Closing the door on him feels better than it probably should, something to definitely earmark to bring up when we finally start therapy... Or at least it does until he sticks the toe of his boot in preventing me from closing it all the way so Addy and I can get back to Princess time... Pop making up his mind letting his first words be, "Damnit, Silas! Give me a fucking minute!"

As if he ever wanted any of my time before... Like he has any right to ask for it now just because there was a moment at the conference where he acted out of character and actually helped someone other than himself as if that alone could wipe away the years of neglect and emotional abuse that he dealt to me, Becky, and Ma, which it can't. His next words proving that point exactly, "I'm off of parole for good behavior and your Ma won't let me come home."

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