Part 4

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Narration: Two weeks later...

 Trace, Flora, Keith and I have been wandering the woods for about 2 weeks 

 Trace: We're lost, aren't we? 

 Keith: No, I just need a landmark ... 

 Piers: Landmark? The only thing on the map is the word "FOREST". Aren't you looking for a giant letter "T" or something? 

 Flora: Om nom nom... 

 Piers: Flora don't eat those butterflies 

we've been going for hours but we still haven't found a fucking landmark 

 Piers: Ah, it doesn't work. Here, show me the map. 

 Piers: I have a trick on it 

I pulled out a compass and looked around 

 Piers: guys? 

 Piers: Where did everyone go?

Narration: In the meantime... 

 Flora: Piers! Piers !! How could we lose him? 

What if he's in trouble? 

 Trace: calm Flora, he definitely needed to rest 

 Keith: Flora! I'm sure he's fine. We just need some way to find him. Do you know its scent well enough to trace it? 

 Flora: I'm not sure, I didn't remember his smell so much but I can try 

Flora lay down and began sniffing Piers' trail 

 Flora: I mean ... he's there! 

 Trace: Come on, Keith!

Keith: All right ... come back, Flora.

Flora: Piers!

Keith: Hey, Piers!

Flora: Piers?

Flora: Um ... Keith?

Keith: Hm? Find him?

Flora: Um ... no ... I just realized ... it's the first time we've actually been alone. I just wanted to ... uh .. ask you .. why ... um ... do you hate my kind?


Keith: Sigh ... it's nothing personal, Floro. It's just that we're different races. I shouldn't even talk to you.

Flora: Oh, so I think "Keith Basitin" hates me? So ... what about the man Keith?

Trace looked at them, pretending not to hear them

Trace: .......

Flora: Oh no!

Trace: What is it, Floro?

Flora: I can feel it ... and ... Feral Keidran!

Flora: Hurry up, we have to find Trace fast!

Narration: In the meantime...

Piers: Um ...?

Piers: Flora!

Piers : Man, I'm glad to see you. where is Trace and Keith ?

the tan I turned to me for Flora

Feral Tiger: Grrrrrr...

Piers: What? What is wrong?

Piers: Um ... you look different ...

Feral Tiger: Grrrrrrrr...

Piers: But I'm not sure why ...

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