Chapter 16 - Horde outside the walls

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"Where the hell did they come from?" Miya murmured.

We're standing on one of the hunting towers, watching the infected slowly make their way towards Trosta.

Something isn't right.

"You guys ever have a vast group of these freaks attack the camp before?" I asked.

"Not really. This is the first time this has happened. Only a few strays get this close to the wall, but their numbers were too small compared to this freaking horde in front of us. Looks like a damn children's party down there."

David arrives, and I can hear people talking below the hunting tower. He gives us a signals to go down, which we immediately did.

"How bad is it?" he asked.

"Their numbers are quite troubling, but they're still manageable. I suggest we lure them towards the spiked fences and then stab their heads one by one while they're impaled."

He then nodded and patted my right shoulder as a sign of approval.

"Alright everyone! You heard what she said. Go grab a weapon or something that could bash or pierce their heads."

Everyone came back mostly with knives, while others got themselves a variety of farming tools, perfect for crushing heads.

"We can't afford to make any noises like gunshots, or we'll end up attracting more of them, so we have to deal with these freaks in an old-fashioned way," he explained.

One random guy then volunteers to watch us from the hunting tower and radio us whenever he sees anything around the area.

David then walked to the front and signaled two people. They pulled some kind of a lever mechanism, slowly opening the front gate of Trosta.

"Will you mind if I join?" a guy asks as he walks towards us with a pitchfork in his hand.

It's Zy.

"You're late. Where are Rachelle and Zack?" I asked, and he chuckled.

"I don't know. I'm not some kind of babysitter to look out for those two."

"Wait, I thought you went to the farm?" Miya wondered.

He clicked his tongue and flicked Miya's forehead. "Dummy, I ran here and checked the situation before the two of you even came. There's no way I'll go to the farm after hearing the gunshots and seeing those infected on the other side of the wall."

"You can just go back to the cabin and let us handle this." Miya smirked.

"Shut up. Just be grateful that I'm here to help."

"Enough with that childish quarrel, get yourselves ready." David interrupted.

As we stepped outside the wall, a swarm of infected people greeted us just a few feet away.

"Oh, damn. Way more than I anticipated." Zy mumbles.

"Stay behind the spiked fences and lure them towards you," David reminded.

I stepped back and started counting heads.

There are ten of us out here. I hope this is enough to deal with the horde.

"Um... I'll be standing here to keep the gate slightly open just in case you guys need to retreat!" a random young woman behind us said. We then nodded at her and walked forward.

"Everybody listen! We don't have time to rearrange the fences, so Cyra and I will go handle those who enter the middle space while the rest of you take the left and right sides, now move your asses!" David instructed.

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