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Narrator's POV:
Another day at McKinley High, just slightly different than most days. Will Schuester walked through the corridors with his  knitted grey vest, a blue and white checkered shirt, a grey tie perfectly in the middle of his collar and some plain denim jeans. His curly hair gelled slightly back and his bag over his left shoulder. He glanced slightly at the glass wall to the right of him. He stopped and turned around as he noticed the presence of a new name plate, it was scarlet red with gold letters which spelt out 'Emma Pillsbury'. Will could see his reflection in the plaque as it shone of cleanliness. He looked through the fully translucent glass office where there was a small, young ,auburn haired girl sitting at the oak desk. Her eyes were like an adorable puppy, they were huge hazel eyes which focused on the lamp which she was precisely cleaning with a small toothbrush. Her eyes followed the toothbrush as she scrubbed the base of the lamp intensely.
Will's POV:
I gazed at her curiously watching her scrub the green lamp on her desk. It fascinated me for some reason. Slowly, I saw her look up at me, she looked at me like 'why are you staring at me' . I jumped as I looked down at my feet, embarrassed, and before I could look up she had already opened her office door for me, I looked up and gave her a relaxed smile.
Emma's POV:
His smile was everything, it was sweet, calming and sexy. I then said "hi...Im Emma" "Pillsbury" he then said "Will, Schuester' and stretched his hand out for me to shake his hand. Part of me wanted to just shake his hand normally so I didn't look like a freak but most of me couldn't resist sanitising my hands. Once I got my hand sanitizer out, he had already put his hand back into his jean pocket and had given me an awkward and familiar smile. It normally didn't effect me when people looked at me like I was some sort of freak but he was different, it really did hurt my feelings, but I didn't want to let it show as I didn't want him to feel bad.
Will's POV:
When she got her sanitizer out I thought it would be awkward to leave my hand out so I put it back in my pocket. Her face expressed she was fine with it as she put on a fake smile but I knew she was hurt so I suggested, "You wanna go get something to eat later?"
Emma's POV:
Did he just ask me out..yes, yes, yes, yes, yes .... Did I just say that out loud, I don't think so because he isn't staring at me like an insane person so we should be ok. I gave him a big smile trying to camouflage all the excitement in my brain and then I blurted out "OK...". He looked at me sort of confused but excited because I yelled. I giggled to try and get rid of the tension.
6 hours later:
Still Emma's POV:
*Bell rings*
As soon as the bell went I sprung out my seat and looked at the clock. My office was already cleaned as I deep cleaned it 3 times today because nobody actually came in for counselling. Not thinking if I've forgotten anything because I was so ecstatic about my 'date' with Will I briskly walked through the hallways and out to the parking lot. I then look to the right of me just before I opened the car door and I then see Will leaning on the front of his car having a....CIGARETTE... I think all my dreams have been crushed. I sort of angrily walk up to him, not thinking about what is going to come out of my mouth. He looked at me extremely confused as he took the cigarette out his mouth and held it in his right hand. I then blabbered out "WHY urr DIDNT you urr TELL me you urr smoked,Will" I had already regretted what I said and as Will tried to talk I butted in and said "Sorry....I overreact sometimes" "I sort of have.." He stopped me there before I could continue as he said "OCD, I know what it is, my little sister has it" He smiled understandingly as he then said "And I purely just smoke to take the edge off of things, I mean I'm not a long-term kinda guy for anything ". I didn't really know how to react to all of this so I did the only thing I could think of and I gave him a big bear hug, he leant his head on my shoulder as he relaxed his arms round me. He let go and moved back to release the tension. Then he said "I better get going, still on for later then, 6?" I then replied "When was it ever off". I smiled lightly as he smiled back, his blue eyes caught my attention as my head went completely out of conscience for 10 seconds. Will was walking in slo-mo, putting his sunglasses on with a black suit and shiny black shoes. He looked AMAZING. As my mind slowly travelled back to reality I had Sue punching my elbow as she said "Hmmm who are you, oh of course you are bush baby, hello there" I was already spooked after being punched back into reality as I stuttered and said "I-I-t-t-s E-mma" then Sue went "Ok, see ya round Elmo" As she waved sarcastically, turned around then smirked. I opened the door to my small, black Ford and turned the radio on. I put the engine on and drove off. The whole ride home I put on  "just the way you are" on repeat the whole car ride home.

-ik this is sort of weird but I mean this is my first fanfic ever but I promise u it will get better

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