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Will's POV:
I had just woke up with a horrific headache and a flask of whiskey pretty much taped to my hand. My eyes were half open as everything seemed 10 times brighter than before. A familiar redhead walked in with a cup of coffee and a pack of paracetamol as she then went "well don't you look awful" she smirked as I went confused "what on earth happened last night" she then said "oh nothing much, you just started talking about your past and you drunk like 2 flasks of whiskey while doing it" "W-what time is it?it is Wednesday isn't it?" "Well at least you got one thing right" I smirked at her whilst putting the paracetamol in my mouth and swallowing it down with a sip of coffee. My white shirt had a huge alcohol stain on it as I said "you have any other shirts?" She looked at me and went "I have one, it's my brothers but you can use it" "thanks" I gave her a small smile as put my hand through my hair as I went "I think I'm gunna take a shower if that's ok?" She then went smiling "sure it's right over there".
5 minutes later
Emma's POV:
Will had just gotten out the shower with a towel round his waste as he used the smaller towel to dry his hair. I was confused why he ever gelled it back though I mean he looked so sexy with it all poofy. I had no hair gel anyway. After he got changed he then said self-consciously "ugh my hair looks terrible doesn't it, that's why your staring at it right?" I then said back "I was staring at it because I-ur-I really like it, I prefer it to when it was jelled back." He went"Really?"as I replied "Yep" he then finished the conversation by saying "ok then". It was his car and I'm pretty sure he was sober so I let him drive as he held his head with one of his hands the whole time.We got out of the car as he stumbled slightly. I then said, concerned "are you ok Will?" He then went "I'm fine, I've got glee club first so I'll see you later." "Ok" I said as I walked into the school.
30 minutes later
Will's POV:
I was sitting at my desk in glee club rehearsal whilst the kids were picking songs for their assignment. I was just on my phone swiping girls on tinder for fun as I got a text from Emma who managed to get my number somehow. 'Hey, just checking up on you, hope your ok. Emma xx.' I looked up and smiled as I texted back 'you don't have to worry about me, I'm fine, meet me at lunch'. I sent it as I could hear Finn in the background constantly calling my name as I turned around and said blankly "what" "we found a song for the assignment next week" I then said "good, anything else?" Rachel then boldly said "who was that person you were texting, we saw that smile on your face and I haven't seen you smile like that in a long time, is it your girlfriend?" Before I could respond in the background Santana went "wanky" as I then said "no Rachel she is not my girlfriend". I heard large footsteps as I heard a familiar voice say "as if butt chin could ever get a girlfriend his hair is covered in grease...wait....are you seriously not wearing hair gel. William Michael Schuester why haven't you done this since the beginning it looks so much better. You don't look like a confused lesbian!" I rolled my eyes as she then grabbed my phone out my hand to see who I was texting "hmmmm this is a familiar name, Emma Pillsbury, oh it's the girl with the cleaning thing, we'll go William, you went for the partially damaged one. Even more damaged than the first. Oops did I say too much" she covered her mouth sarcastically as I looked at her as if I was about to roast her alive. Instead I took my anger out on the table as I slammed my knuckles into it, making a loud bang sound as I said angrily "OW SHIT!" I waved my hand around as I held my rest with the other hand. I really did just want to curl up and cry but instead I raged out, holding my arm as I went into the staff lounge to calm myself down. I took long breaths as i looked at my knuckles which were already a rosey pink colour and slightly swollen. I sat on the couch as I leant my head on my elbow which was supported by the armrest. I heard footsteps enter the office as I kept my head down. They then quietly spoke and said "yep, you sure look ok Will" I sighed then lifted my head up and looked at her then said "this happened about 2 minutes after I sent that text so technically I wasn't lying" I then smirked as she said "ok I will let you off then" she sat next to me as she put one of her arms across my back and leant her head on my right shoulder. We just sat there, I was finally relaxed.
10 minutes later
As I heard the bell ring I went as my head popped up "gotta go teach my Spanish class" as she then smiled and said "hey your stressed. Why don't you get yourself a burger or something, I will cover for you" I smirked then said "do you actually know any spanish?" She opened her eyes even wider sarcastically and went "of course!, now off you go" I giggled with a smile as I finished the conversation with a simple "ok" as I left the room and went to breadsticks to get some take-out.
Emma's POV:
Ok Spanish great something I can't do. I sat at the front desk as all of the students looked at me curiously. Rachel shot her hand up as I then said "yes Rachel?" She then replied firmly "where's Mr Schuester, and aren't you a guidance counsellor?" I looked blankly at her and then said "yes and Mr Schuester is just having a break, he is just a bit stressed" I then added after a few seconds of silence "urr Rachel, can I see you at the end of the lesson please, I need to urrr talk to you about something" she then looked at my curiously and replied, "sure, Miss Pillsbury".
50 minutes later
Well that was a disaster, I mean I ended up teaching them french. As all the other kids left Rachel came to the front of my desk as I waited for everybody to leave. "You wanted to talk to me about something?" She said as I replied back "yes its about urr Mr Schuester, do you know why he was so angry before". She looked at me with a deceiving face as she bit my lip and blurted out everything that had happened. All I could think was how I wanted to bash Sue's skull in. I calmly said, holding all my anger and rage back "ok thank you Rachel, you can go now". I waited for her to go as I stormed out the classroom and into the staff room, barging over to Sue. "I heard about what you said to Will, you really have no soul" I said in rage as she replied "yes and I actually do feel bad about it this time Elmo, I mean he has never gotten that angry before, I could see it in his eyes, he was furious. He was like a male Sue Sylvester, it really was magnificent." I rolled my eyes and went to sit down as I texted Will to come back because I wasn't going to take anymore embarrassment by teaching them french in a Spanish lesson. He texted back 'I sort of got caught up with something, sorry, will be back once I'm finished'. I then texted back angrily 'hey! I covered for you and I ended up teaching the kids french so you better get your ass back here' . I waited 10 minutes but still didn't get a response as I moaned.
Will's POV:
I was proper french kissing this girl when Emma texted me. I thought what a way to ruin my make-out session. I had a girl kissing my neck who never even said who she was as I read out the text and groaned then texted something back on the spot. She texted back 'hey! I covered for you and I ended up teaching kids french get your ass back here' . I decided I would make up an excuse later when I got back as I ignored the text and started kissing the unnamed girl again.
50 minutes later
Emma's POV:
I watched him walk in through the door acting like he had done nothing wrong. I furiously walked up to him then loudly said "where have you been?! I mean you completely blanked my texts" he looked at me confused as he said innocently "urr I was busy" I looked at his neck as I shouted but then went quieter realizing what I was saying "YOu literally have LIP-stick on your neck Will! You need to sort yourself out" I punched him on the arm as he looked at me then said "ok, I will try to be in a real relationship with someone which lasts longer than a few hours then. Well I mean I need a girl first." He stared at me trying to think. I gazed at him hoping he would say me and as he was about to open his mouth I went "yes!" . I covered my mouth embarrassed as he looked at me confused but moved on from the situation. He pulled his phone out then said "I know, why don't we both go to a bar after work and try and find someone" I smiled covering up the fact I was annoyed but still said "ok then, but I swear if you ditch your class again for a hookup" he smirked at me then walked down the corridor.
2 hours later
Will's POV:
The bell had just rung as I got up and walked down the corridor and out to the car park. I pulled my lighter out my pocket but then realised I didn't feel like I actually needed a cigarette for once. I put it back in my pocket as I smiled at myself and opened the door to get in my car. I drove home with my journey playlist blasting out the open windows of my car.

-lol I'm back at it again

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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