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(two weeks later with naruto)

naruto woke up in a cave it was very in closed he felt his head ache in pain he looked to the right to see tobi standing there to what looks like to be sleeping naruto was about to wake him up but he decided not to. then all the memories he realized what he did before he went unconscious he blushed a deep red 'shit I kissed sasuki, what the hell is this feeling' naruto thought when he heard a voice "how long have you been up" tobi asked in his normal voice "about 10 minutes" naruto said "get up let me introduce you to someone" tobi said gesturing for naruto to get up and naruto got up and followed tobi

tobi lead naruto into big room with statue at the end with man sitting in front of it the man seemed to be in his 80's "hello naruto I am your grandfather, they call me, Madara, Madara Uchiha" Madara said with tear's on his eyes naruto went to hug and he fully embrace "I am sorry naruto that you had to live such a bad life it's all my fault naruto I am the reason your parent's are dead if I had known you my grandson sooner I would've taken you in sooner" madara said surprised that his grandson didn't hate him

"what do you mean my parent's are dead because of you and how come you didn't know I was your grandson" naruto asked and madara explained "you see I sent obito to take the kyubi out of your mother and use his mangekyou I had no idea that minato was my lost son and minato died sealing the kyubi into you, and I found out after your fight with the uchiha girl, you see while you were knocked out I had zetsu take some of your dna and we looked to see who you were related to and thats when I found out you were my grandson" madara said waiting to see anymore question's "why don't I have the sharingan" naruto asked 

"it's because your grandmother's genes were dominate over minato and sense minto's genes were dominate over you, but I have a solution you can take my eye's I take izuna's you are technically uchiha you deactivate them" madara said explaining to naruto, naruto felt a little uncomfortable taking his grandfather's eyes but he nodded "then you will have to be out for about a week with your fast regeneration" madara said "zetsu start the operation obito let me talk with you alone" madara asked and zetsu and naruto left 

"yes lord madara I know what your going to say" obito said "yes I abandoning the infinite tsukuyomi plan but that doesn't mean you have to I understand you want to see rin so I am not going to stop you all I ask is that you let me train him for remaining time left on this world" madara said "I was going to let you train him anyway's but I think I will for fill my dream and I know he will understand" obito said "ok you may go" madara said and obito left

(flashback in konoha 2 weeks ago)

kakashi was carrying sasuki on his back while walking with neji, choji, kiba, and shikamaru kakashi and the team dropped sasuki of to the hospital and made there way to the hokage tower they opened the door to see tsunade fighting her worst enemy, paper work  "mission report" tsunade asked worried about her godson "we failed" kakashi said and tsunade had a tear in her eyes "explain" tsunade asked as she took some alcohol out of her desk then neji spoke up "we were running after naruto but he had an escort, itachi uchiha" neji said tsunade nearly spat out her drin she sent 4 genin and one chunin against a kage level ninja "was naruto kidnapped" tsunade asked "no he was walking with him freely and itachi only allowed sasuki to pass so we stayed behind" neji said and tsunade looked at kakashi "when I got there they were both knocked out I picked up sasuki but a masked man stopped me from picking up naruto he told me if we were to fight both kids will bleed out so he took naruto and took sasuki" kakashi said "boar" tsunade said and a anbu with a boar mask dropped down "assemble the counsil, you guys are coming to sasuki should be up" tsunade said and everyone nodded

(with the council)   

the civlian council was there so was jiraiya and the retrieval team and kakashi "lord hokage why have you summoned us and why are they hear" a member of the civilian council asked "naruto uzamki is now a missing ninja" tsunade said and the civilian's wanted to cheer "is that all lord hokage you called us hear for the demon brat" mebuki said sakura couldn't belive what her mother was saying 

"I dare you to call him that again" a man in the shadows said he dropped down showing a it to be tobi in his madara voice "I created this village and this is how they treat my grandson" tobi said impersonating madara "who are you" tsunade said raising her guard 

 tobi chuckled "I am Naruto's current guardian" tobi said as he looked at tsunade who was fuming angry "Give Naruto back you bastard!" tusnade shouted as she jumped over her desk and charged at tobi who didn't move tsunades fist went through tobi as if fazed right through him

"give him back huh? I think not" tobi said only pissing the sannin of even more "why bastard!" tsunade shouted once more "because he came to me" tobi said tsunade stopped "and do you no why tsunade" tobi said he just stood there being eyed by everyone in the room "it's because his of his friends" tobi said and everyone got confused 

"it's because he was willing to give everything for his friends and do you know what he gets in return" tobi said glaring at tsunade "he get's stabbed by his best friend" tobi said as everyones eyes widen at the statement and tobi looked at sasuki who had her head in shame "and do you know why else" tobi asked and no one answered "it's because the women he saw as a mother.. stole his dream" tobi said and tsunade had tears in her eyes

"but there is a way to get him back" tobi stated and everyone listened wanting naruto back tobi walked towards sasuki "you have to get stronger to bring him back as he won't come back without a fight" tobi said crouching to sasuki's level and sasuki eyes widen "but you will have train harder then ever as he is being trained by me" tobi got "He is being trained by me, Madara Uchiha" tobi said as everyones eye widen at that announcement 

Tobi said something before he started swirling away "and sasuki he told me to tell you he ment it" tobi the slowly swirled his arm and swirled away leaving a blushing sasuki as she understood what it ment

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