genin team

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(hope you guys like the chapter I am trying my best and putting all my free time into these story's and above is how sasuki looks *I do not own the picture*)

(I also did some editing so you will have to reread the story)

(6 years later)

sasuki was in her house just thinking she remembering all the good time she had when she was a genin sasuki made a name for herself in konoha she was known as the strongest jonin in the village she heard a knock in her door she got off her couch and opened the door to see an anbu with a bear mask standing in front of the last female uchiha "lady hokage request your presence" the anbu said and sasuki nodded and the anbu left she got into her shinobi gear expecting a mission 

she walked into the office to see neji and kiba there to "yes lady hokage" sasuki said "now that war is here we need as many jonin as we can to train genin so you have been assign genin teams heres the file on each team and how there organized" tsunade said to the young adults infront of them kiba and sasuki wanted to complain but didn't as tsunade didn't look in the mood to deal with them they all nodded and tsunade handed all of them a document they were all dismissed after when sasuki got home she sat on her couch reading the first name she saw and read it

Asashi dead last has no skill in ninjutsu genjutsu or tiejutsu is loud and never pays attention he wore black shirt with gray shorts he had onyx eyes and blond hair that was always messy and always pulls pranks sasuki chuckled he reminded her to much of naruto she then looked at the second page and saw a girl

Azlua top kunoichi of the year said to be a prodigy excellent in ninjutsu and taijutsu has no talent in genjutsu she had long balck hair tied into a pony tail wore a blue short sleeve shirt with a white long sleeve shirt under and wore gray shorts and black dark eyes has a short temper and doesn't get along with anyone and antisocial sasuki chuckled as it reminded her of herself when she was genin she remembered the days when she was a genin still regretting not trying to get to know her rival she looked at the paper again and saw a boy

haruto rookie of the year said to be a prodigy in genjutsu and medical ninjutsu and has perfect chakra control is a pacifist who rather heals then fight he had on a regular black shirt and black anbu pants he had short blue hair and green eyes has small chakra reserves of a average genin sasuki finished reading and concluded that this was a replica of her old team she smiled as in a week of now she will have to deal with little kids she cursed herself

(one week later)

iruka announced the teams and sasuki's team was happy that they get the strongest jonin in the leaf sasuki walked in and saw her team she was knew this was going to be really annoying she sighed "team 7 meet me on the roof" sasuki said shunshining away she leaned on the rail of the roof she saw 3 figures enter and took a seat in front of sasuki "ok lets start with introductions shall we" sasuki said in a bore tone "um excuse me sensei but can go first" haruto asked sasuki sighed "I am sasuki uchiha I dont like much, I dislike a lot my hobbies are training and my dream" sasuki looked in the floor with sadness that doesn't go unnoticed by the genin she looked up and spoke "to save a old friend from the darkness" sasuki said with pride thinking of naruto sasuki bointed to the black haired girl of the trio

"broody your next" sasuki said still bored "name is Azula I like training I dislike nearly every everthing my hobbies are training and I guess sleeping and my dream..... is to be the hokage" she said looking toward the monument of konoha "grate I get a emo a loud mouth and decent one" sasuki said and everyone sweat dropped

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