bounty hunter's

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it's been 3 months sense madara passed both obito and naruto were deeply effected by his death and it's been half a year sense the akatsuki and sound was defeated the only akatsuki member left was obito who was currently looking for naruto naruto knew this but he didn't know if it was to get kurama or to have friendly spar but he did not want to risk losing his best friend

naruto was currently sitting around the camp fire eating some fish when he heard a very familiar voice behind him "you hard down little brother" the man behind him was naruto's cousin who he saw as a brother figure he wore a dark blue kimono and had a orange swirl mask originating from his eye. As soon as naruto heard the voice he got on guard till he heard another voice "weird he does not have any negative emotion" this voice obito didn't hear because it was mental it was best friend the nine tailed fox strongest of the bijuu's also known as kurama 

"here to capture me again" Naruto said knowing that Obito is stronger than him "no I abandon the infinite tsukuyomi plan the day the akatsuki fell" Obito said and Naruto turned his head surprised but hiding it "then what are you hear for" Naruto said then taking a bite out of his fish wondering why one of his ole mentors came to see him. Obito took a seat next to Naruto grabbing a fish and lifting his mask "I was wondering Naruto. Would you like to be a bounty hunter with me" Obito said looking at Naruto who was surprised Naruto put down his food and looked at obito

"sounds interesting finally something to cure my boredom" naruto said as got up and obito got up with him "from this day forward we are partners" obito said as he put out his hand "agreed" naruto said as he shook obito's hand "naruto I have a gift for you" obito said as naruto lean by a tree "ok what is it" naruto asked wondering what it is 

"something jiji wanted you to have before he died but you already left by then" obito said and naruto widened his eyes as a black swirling hole that came from obito's eye. Something came out of that hole it was a scythe with a black metal "its made out of chakra rods its stronger than diamond and cuts better than any knife" obito said as naruto picked it up it was a light as a feather naruto swung the scythe on the tree he was leaning on the result had him wide eyed as the was easily split in half but it was straight line as if he put wind chakra in it "damn" naruto said "and the is made out of the same makuton that held down the kyuubi" obito said giving naruto more details about his new toy

"how about we go to a store get a bingo book and look for a few unlucky test subjects" naruto suggested as he held his new toy over his shoulders obito nodded seeing a good chance "I have an idea" obito said and naruto listened "who ever kills the most b ranks in a week wins" obito said as put on his mask and took madara uchiha's battle fan out of the kamui dimension "deal" naruto said "lets meet at iron country" obito said as naruto nodded and held up 3 fingers "3" naruto said as obito started to count with him "two" hey said at the same time "one!" they both said as they dashed away  

------------------------------------------------1 week later In konoha--------------------------------------------------

"don't let your guard even around a cat" sasuki said on top of tree looking at her students hiding behind tree's "I am 30 meter's away from the target" haruto said "I am 20 meters away from the target" azula said "guys I have an idea" arashi said to his team mates "azula you have grate accuracy with senbon right" arashi said "no you not going to put a cat in a death like state" sasuki said threw the ear piece 'reminds me of my first c rank' sasuki said "ok we all jump on go" haruto said "3, 2, 1. GO" haruto shouted as all of them jumped at the cat cat named tora tora dodged right to avoid azula as arashi landed on tora pinning the cat  "good lets go to the hokage office"

  "are you sure its him" a lady asked she had long blond hair that separated into two pony tails she wore a gray clothing under the green jacket she was tsunade senju also known as 5th hokage at her old friend a man with a red vest and under he wore a green kimono and had long white hair tied into a pony tail he was the old toad sage jiraiya of the sanin "I need more proof your spy network isnt enough proof he has been under the radar for 5 years Jairaya" tsunade said as she closed her eyes and rubbed her temples she then felt a thud on her desk she opened her eyes to see a bingo book "page 5 entry 43" jiraiya said smirking "and read out loud" jiraiya asked

"fine how about a bet" tsunade asked smirking 'she is going to lose' jiraiya thought before nodding "if it describes naruto perfectly I will send you, sasuki and her genin team, and kakashi" tsunade said "but if it doesn't you have to take the job as hokage for a week" tsunade said as jiraiya did not hesitate his answer "I accept" tsunade opened the bingo and looked at entry 43 

"Scar, s rank

village affiliation: none

ninjutsu: unknown

taijutsu: unknown

genjutsu: unknown

description: long blond hair tied into a spiky pony tailwith two bangs hanging from his face ocean blue eyes and 3 wisker marks on each cheek and wears a black kimono

wepon of choice: scythe

reason wanted: killed 25 b-rank jonin from stone country 15 b-rank ninja from mist country and 32 b-rank ninja from lightning country

last known location: eastern part of the land of iron"

tsunade had wide eyes it matched the description of naruto perfectly at that moment team sasuki came back from returning the cat back to the owner "lady hokage we are back and here for another mission" sasuki said and the genin team eyes widen to see the toad hermit jiraiya "oh lord jiraiya didnt see you there" azula said apologizing to the legendary shinobi in front of them "its ok brat" jiraiya said patting the kid on the head "sasuki and her team stay, ANBU" tsunade shouted as an anbu dropped down "get kakashi hatake" tsunade asked and the anbu nodded and left

five minutes later kakashi walks through the door holding his iconic book "yes lady hokage" kakashi said "you, sasuki and her team and jiraiya have a mission" tsunade said as she threw a bingo book at both sasuki and kakashi "look at page 5 entry 43" tsunade said as sasuki and kakashi read the entry nothing was abnormal to them until they got to the description they had there eyes wide "you think its him" kakashi asked and tsunade nodded "so the dobe finally came out of hiding" sasuki said looking at her book and sasuki's team was confused "who are talking about" arashi asked her sensei "oh forgot you were there" sasuki said and all of them grew a tick mark "who we are looking for is Naruto Uzamaki Namakaze" sasuki said as she didn't know officially if naruto was uchiha yet 

"lord fourth had a son" azula asked and sasuki nodded "Naruto was my rival and best friend" sasuki said looking at the ground "he men't a lot to all of us to lady hokage he was her godson to lord jiraiya was his godson to" sasuki said looking at there team surprised faces "wait if he was the son of a kage then why is he rouge" haruto asked "we don't know yet" sasuki said not wanting to tell the truth "so you guy's have a mission go to the land of iron and look naruto uzamaki I am giving you a month" 

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