the bell test

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(sorry this chapter naruto will not be in it but the next he will I promise)

"ok well done with introductions lets get started on the real thing meet me at training ground seven tomorrow to begin the test" sasuki said sasuki was never the type to want to deal this brats "sensei what do you mean by test" haruto asked "oh I forgot they don't tell you the genin test is just to test for candidates to become genin, so if you fail the test you have to restart the academy" sasuki said calmly looking at her genin team, the genin on the other hand were shocked that if they don't pass that they won't move on from there shinobi career "oh and quick tip don't eat breakfast" sasuki said before body flickering out

(the next day)

sasuki woke up in bed she felt very nostalgic about the genin test it reminded her of naruto after naruto going rouge she felt like it was all her fault she felt like if maybe she would've treated him better maybe he wouldn't of left, his home, his friends, and her she didn't know what naruto ment to her, she just sat down thinking, thinking of all the possible outcomes that could've happened

she looked at the clock next to her bed and she realized she was nearly 2 and a half hours late she jumped out of bed took a shower and got her clothes on she realized how late she was an then a wave of nostalgia when over her, she was just like her sensei late on the first day she looked at the good old day's as he shunshined away

she appeared in front of the 3 wooden post where the genin standing in front of her impatient but nearly a second later she heard "YOUR LATE" from haruto and arashi shouted as azula glared at her female teacher 'do they really think I don't realize that' sasuki thought "sorry I was late, I got lost on the path of life" sasuki said calmly 'damn it I am becoming kakashi' sasuki thought and then took out two bells "all you have to do is take these bells from me" sasuki said hold the bells from her index finger and her thumb "sensei why is there only two bells" haruto asked "because one of you is going to the academy" sasuki said and she was grinning like how naruto used to do she looked at there shocked faces "and to up the stakes, the one who does the worst gets tied to the post while everyone eats there lunch in front them" sasuki said

they all had terrified looks on there face while sasuki just smirked "ok you start,NOW" sasuki yelled immediately azula and haruto jumped into the bushes while arashi just stood there with his arms crossed glaring at his soon to be teacher sasuki frowned 'dumbass' they all thought looking at arashi "here to take the bells" sasuki asked with her normal uchiha smirk on her face 

"yeah I will and I will become hokage" arashi shouted 'he so much like him' sasuki thought "then come at me...... dobe" sasuki said getting a wave of nostalgia that hit her head on. Arashi charged as sasuki who wasn't really caring, he threw a kick at her head sasuki ducked and grabbed arashi's leg and slammed him into the ground arashi got threw the pain and got up he turned to to look at sasuki when he realized she was not "you got to work on your senses" sasuki said crouching behind arashi, sasuki then smirked "hidden finger jutsu 1000 years of death" sasuki shouted and shoved her fingers up arashi's ass a second passed and the next thing they all knew arashi was 20 feet of the ground holding ass as he was launched into the river nearly out cold he then got to land and embraced the sweet unconsciousness.

azula smirked she saw sasuki let her guard down as she threw 8 shuriken at sasuki, sasuki knew this as she then caught all shuriken easily 'shit she knows me location, well already to far deep' azula thought as she jumped out off her branch and charged sasuki, sasuki sighed at there lack of strategy or teamwork it was a bit disappointing 

azula punch sasuki butt sasuki caught it sasuki noticed she had an iron grip and used sasuki's arm to try and kick her but just blocked it with ez she then grabbed azula's leg and threw her into the air 'finally I could use my new jutsu' azula thought she then did some hand seals "wind style wind blade" azula said and blew air out of her mouth 'interesting' sasuki thought before jumping away she then looked behind herself to see 5 trees chopped down sasuki poofed out of existence 'shadow clone' azula thought while landing on the ground she then felt some thing at her feet she looked down to see two hands "earth style double suicide decapitation jutsu" sasuki shouted underground as she dragged azula down there with her


'damn it' all the genin thought as they met up where the test started "ok haruto you get tied up because you had no balls to fight me" sasuki said pointing at the middle post "but sensei" haruto tried to complain "no, do you even know the reason why you are on 3 man teams" sasuki nearly shouted as all the genin nodded no "teamwork, think about it no genin can take on a jonin head on you need to work as a team" sasuki said and all the genin looked at her in disbelief "now I will give you your lunches just don't feed haruto and try to work as a team" sasuki said in annoyance "I will be back" sasuki said shunshining behind a tree to listen to them

azula was eating her lunch and arashi ate his while haruto just stood there tied to the post until arashi reached his hand out to feed haruto "what are you doing dobe" azula asked "what does it look like teme I am feeding him" arashi said a bit annoyed "thank's" haruto said azula decided to swallow her pride and started to feed haruto much to her annoyance 

sasuki then appeared in front of them "YOU" sasuki shouted leaking some ki and all the genin paled "HOW DO YOU PLEAD" sasuki shouted "where a team" arashi shouted and azula blushed a bit "yeah" azula yelled "yeah were one" haruto shouted "WELL. YOU. pass" sasuki said and the ki dissipated and all the genin were dead panned "you pass team 7 starts tomorrow"      

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