Perilous. :o

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Well today me and Jess went out to try and get more food. We are greedy fucks so we just eat and eat all day. This morning she gave me a shower and fresh under wear, I feel more and more comfortable around her now.

So we went out into town. The place I haven't been since mine and Jess' last date ;). We went for some clothes for me and Jess then food shopping on the way back. Jess has been let off work for a while so she can look after me, already pre payed.

We got into town, a slow quiet journey. And she helps me into my chair. I held her hand and smiled at her, eyes lighting up.

First place we end up... The under wear shop... THE FUCKING UNDERWEAR SHOP.

"I need help getting some new underwear." she said giving me a cheesy smile.

"I don't think I should." I said pulling my hands up.

"Oh okay then..." she said pushing me out of the shop, I put my head down seeing a group of lads a head of me.

They all circled me and Jess, not in a way that Jess noticed. Each step Jess made they came in closer, and closer. I noticed a face in the crowd. Big scar across his eye brow and lightly tanned skin with dark brown long hair falling off his head down on his face.

"Shit, Jess we have to go!" I said whisper/shouting to her.


"Please, I'm in danger here! We have to go now!" I said panicking voice raising a little.


"ANYWHERE BUT HERE!" I said grabbing back to her arm.

The 6 lads caved in on us. Slowly trapping us in a ring of them. I put my head down. I wasn't scared if they hurt me I was scared if they harmed Jess. Just because she's a girl doesn't mean they'd treat her any different then anyone else. His dark vicious eyes met mine. They slowly scanned my face down to the chair then his eyes shot back up to mine. He looked down and smirked. Walking closer and closer to me. Jess was unawear of what was going on but she felt me coward back in my chair.

"Niall Horan, A thought that I'd see you back here? Miss me?" He said biting his lip viciously

"ANSWER ME!" I cowered back even more. I grew even more scared each second that passed while he stood by me. I looked at him, his head snapped aside to the red haired guy walking up to him

Michael Clifford....

"Though I killed you already?" He spoke harshly grinding his teeth.

"Almost!" I said

"Don't speak to me like that! Actually don't even speak to me at all!! Got it?" Michael spoke.

"Please leave him he's been through a lot!" Jess cried. I looked back in horror. Did she actually just talk to The Michael Clifford. He'd rip her apart in 5 seconds with his eyes closed.

"Okay... Alright? I'll leave your lover... For now anyways!" He said backing off.

I was speechless did that actually just happen!!

"You- you saved me!!!" I said looking at Jess she was stood still. Not even blinking.

"Your safe, it's okay come on..." Jess said pushing me away.

This world is a big but really small place. There's no where to run, in in too much danger...

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