No Happily Ever After (remrom) angst

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Trigger Warnings:

Incest, Angst, Remus, Selfcest, unsympathetic Patton mentions, fusion mentions, and I think that's it. Let me know if there are more.


(3rd person POV)

     Remus sighed and sat on his large once-green bed that had been turned a nasty shade of brown after being doused in blood for years, as was the nature of the Duke. He was thinking about his brother again. These thoughts weren't something he tried to force out. He knew that would do nothing and only make him think of them more. He accepted all types of thoughts, because if he didn't, who would? Roman? Ha! No. Thomas? Fat chance! Morality's always been the one to try to shut him down. He was the one who initially separated the two brothers when Thomas was learning about and developing his morality. Of course, Thomas never tried to develop his more mature rated thoughts. Morality would never allow that. He didn't want Remus corrupting Roman. Of course, that's exactly what happened every time they spent more than 24 hours together. They were just so perfect for each other! Yin and Yang, they were meant to be! 

     Remus groaned and scrubbed his hands down his face. How did Roman not see how perfect they were for each other? They were literally soulmates, the thing Roman has been longing for his whole existence, and he won't accept Remus for it. What kind of sick joke is that! Normally, Remus loved sick jokes, but this one wasn't one aimed at someone else. It hurt. Pain was something he lorded over. Indulged in. But this was a different kind of pain. He had no control over this pain. For the most part, Roman controlled this pain. It was his domain and it was in his hands. A faint smile crossed Remus' face at that. Something of his in Roman's hands. His heart.

     Remus jumped up off of his bed and conjured a knife. There was more than one way for Roman to hold his heart. Now if he could get his stupid ribs out of the way...


     Roman was in his garden tending to his roses. They were all sorts of colors. Yellow, white, blood red. If he looked at it right, the smattering of roses looked like blood splattered on the rows of thorny vines. Perhaps someone tried to cross the barrier of spikes and was impaled by dozens of tiny Thorns-

     "Remus," Roman sighed. Said side rounded the corner grinning with his hands behind his back. There was blood all over his top like someone had filled a water balloon with blood and thrown it at him. Roman eyed him warily. The fact that he was hiding his hands could only mean trouble. Roman turned to face him. "What is it that you want, brother?" Remus grinned, mischief along with something Roman couldn't discern lighting his eyes.

     "Oh, just wanted to give you something," the green side answered. Roman nodded carefully.

     "And what was that?" He asked slowly.

     "This!" Remus pulled his hands out from behind his back to reveal the beating heart in his bloodied hands. Roman took a step back subconsciously, to which Remus deflated a little, but he shook it off. "Happy Valentine's Day, brother!"

     Roman froze. Remus was giving him a heart for Valentine's day? His own heart fluttered in his chest. "And whose is this?" He asked cautiously.

     Remus shrugged. "Mine." Roman couldn't believe it. He knew from being literally fused to Remus that this was Remus' way of being romantic. But his hopes were soon crushed. "Logan wouldn't give me his and Virgil wouldn't let me near him, so I had to make do with mine." Roman was barely listening at this point. He knew it was a stupid idea to fall for him. Even Remus wouldn't go so low as to fall for his own brother. Patton certainly wouldn't let it stand. But fall he did. He was infatuated with Remus against his better judgement. How could he not? They were soulmates! How romantic is that! He longed for the days where they weren't separated. He felt so lost and alone without Remus. But of course Remus wouldn't care.

     "Say, do you want to prank Patton by pretending we're dating?" Remus was asking. Roman's heart squeezed in his chest. This was torture. Thankfully, his acting skills were sharp as ever.

     "What? No!" Roman scoffed.

     "Oh come on, Roman!" Remus groaned, "it'll be fine! It's not like we're going to fuse again." Roman couldn't take this anymore. Being fused again was exactly what he longed for, but Remus was certainly opposed to the idea.

     "No. I'm not going to do that to him," Roman gave an exasperated sigh and turned on his heel, saying "I don't like you" over his shoulder.

     Remus broke at that. He watched the retreating form of his brother. He had brought up fusing to test Roman's reaction. Apparently, Roman hated him so much that he didn't want that anymore. Remus walked back to his room. He was one half of Creativity. His room was paradise. He could have anything he wanted except for the one thing that was everything he wanted. 

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