[ 005 ] you shan't go to the ball, obama!

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you shan't go to the ball, obama!

          Salem was nervous. Again.

          She had absolutely no intention of winning this tournament; she was shocked she'd even been chosen to compete (let's face it, screaming at your monitor for hours doesn't make you good at video games). Her partner on the other hand . . . Let's just say Dream was quite competitive. He'd even made her practise! This kid cared.

          Despite all that, it was no surprise to anyone when Salem proposed she and Dream cheat somehow.

DREAM: No! We're not cheating! If you would just cooperate and make the jump, that thought wouldn't have even crossed your mind.

SABERHAGEN: No, listen; we don't need to make the jump. I'm like 90% sure I can convince Karl to give me Creative mode. Because, believe it or not, Dream, not all of us are self proclaimed parkour Gods.

DREAM: I swear to god, don't you dare get me disqualified from this thing, Salem.

SABERHAGEN: Ooh, Salem, huh? Hear that, guys? He's serious. Slash SRS, peeps.

          A sigh could be heard through the voice channel.

DREAM: Please, just make the jump. We're gonna lose second place.

SABERHAGEN: Oh no! God forbid third place!

          In a very SaberHagen-esque manner, Salem flailed her arms and flew backwards against her chair.

SABERHAGEN: What will he ever do? My heart bleeds.

DREAM: Ha ha, very funny. Are you done with your theatrics?


DREAM: Oh, come on.


DREAM: Saber! Stop! You're supposed to be hitting Punz, not me!"

SABERHAGEN: No. I don't agree. This is funny.

DREAM: Oh, my God! Half a heart! Half a heart!

SABERHAGEN: Yeah, I don't believe that for a second.

You died!
saberhagen was slain by Dream
score: 27
Respawn | Title Screen

SABERHAGEN: What the fuck!?"

DREAM: Oops. Less than three.

SABERHAGEN: You are so fuckin' dead to me. You're just a green mean bitch who thinks he knows everything! You're such a Leo!

DREAM: What?

SABERHAGEN: Stop laughing! You sound like a kettle, you know that? A great, big, ugly, green kettle!

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