- 14 - Sectionals

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A/N: Happy Sectionals week! This is a bit of a longer chapter since I included the songs. There's also a little bit of drama. Enjoy the show!

























"Great, everybody's here. Do you all have your dresses and suit?" Mr. Schue scanned the room for collective nodes. "Ok, great. Good, good, good. Change of clothes?" Collective nods again. "Makeup? Hair products?" More collective nods. "Alright, you guys. I think that's everything. Load up the bus, we're on our way to Sectionals!"

The drive to Western wasn't very long, but that wasn't to say the bus ride wasn't full of hype. We were all bursting with adrenaline, ready to compete. We got our competition list and competition slot last week. We were set to sing third against Jane Adams Academy and Haverbrook School for the Deaf. Mr. Schue made it clear to us that we shouldn't think we had an easy win. He made that very, very clear. Thinking like that, he said, is an easy loss and certain death for McKinley's Glee Club.

"File in, everyone. Jane Adams Academy competes first. We'll watch them, then there'll be a break before Haverbrook goes. After another short break, we sing. We're here to compete, but we're also here to be good sports. I expect you all to represent McKinley in a respectful manner. Got it? Good. Go on in."

We filled up two rows on the side of Western's auditorium. Soon after, the announcer spoke. "Good afternoon and welcome to the 2009 Midwest Show Choir Sectional competition at Western Ohio High School. Our judges for today's competition are Rod Remington, Candance Dystra, and Donna Landries. The first competitor of the day is Jane Adams Academy." Applause filled the auditorium after the announcer finished speaking.

The Jane Adams girls sang "Gloria," "Proud Mary," and "(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman." We sat through their performance respectively, but also cautiously optimistic. "Strange," I thought. "We sang all of those songs during rehearsals. Good thing we didn't plan on singing any of those today!"

After the break, the Haverbrook team got into position on stage. They sang "Imagine," "No Air," and "Don't Stop Believin'." I tried to read the expressions of everyone else in the New Directions. "Okay, we've also done all of those songs, too. I know that's not a coincidence. Who snitched?" I tried to scan my brain for any helpful information, but I was cut off by Mr. Schuester talking to us.

"Alright, let's go to our practice room." We all stood up and walked to a different room. We got changed and touched up our hair and makeup. We were ready.

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