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Title:Progenitor of all animal lifeThe Mother of the redName: Addax Race: entityCreator: GaeaHome: reverse side of the worldPersonality: Apathetic to most who don't know her

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Progenitor of all animal life
The Mother of the red
Name: Addax
Race: entity
Creator: Gaea
Home: reverse side of the world
Personality: Apathetic to most who don't know her . Motherly and kind to animals and creatures either being demonic , holy, or normal and children. Usually indifferent towards the affairs of the gods and humans. Quite dense towards romance and love by any human or god.

Abilities: Due to being the mother of all  animal life Addax can create, shape and manipulate animals. She can command, speak/understand, evolve/devolve, merge with, possess, etc., with all forms of animal life. She can aslo create powerful beast's and monsters be they either divine or demonic she can create any creature she wishes by using her power. She can also transform into any creature she wishes due being the mother of all animal life.

Likes: animals, beast, monsters, children, sleeping, the fates, Hestia, Gaea,

Dislikes: humans who kill animal senselessly , those who abuse animals, the harming or killing of children

Love interest: Apollo, Hermes, Ares, Poseidon, Zeus, dionysus and other male gods, and seraphim

Love interest: Apollo, Hermes, Ares, Poseidon, Zeus, dionysus and other male gods, and seraphim

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Progenitor of all plant life
The father of the green
(He doesn't have pointed ears.)
Name: Neophytos
Race: entity
Creator: Gaea
Home: Reverse side of the world
Personality: kind and loving to all plant life. Shy around humans and gods. Always appears to be day dreaming and loves to create new beautiful plants. Whimsical and pure hearted. Also dense when it comes to matters based on romance.
Abilities: Neophytos can control all the plant life around him and when ever he walks flower sprout up. He can make a desolate land become filled with plant life. He can make any place he rest into a fertile paradise. He is Also an extremely powerful healer even surpassing apollo in the field of medicine. Also he is to create being from plants like dryads, treants, and othe beings aswell.

Likes: plants, flowers , trees , dryads, his creations, the fates, the other entities , enjoys spending time with Addax, Hestia, children, and loves to paint and draw.

Dislikes : humans who destroy nature and defile it. Those who harm children and his creations. And those who disrespect Gaea .

Love interest: Kofi, Evios , Hepheastus and oc male lovers

Title:Progenitor of all ocean lifeThe father of the blueName: ArnavRace : entityCreator: OceanusHome : reverse side of the worldPersonality: Wild and aggressive to those who first encounter

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Progenitor of all ocean life
The father of the blue
Name: Arnav
Race : entity
Creator: Oceanus
Home : reverse side of the world
Personality: Wild and aggressive to those who first encounter. He is often very serious when important issues and matters are being presented to him. He is often looking to challenge Addax and Neophytos to prove he is the best. When relaxing he often enjoys spending time with his many lovers who are either naiads , mermaids , and water sprites.

Abilities: Can control any water that surrounds him  and can create water from thin air. He can also control any sea life that his near him. He can also control any liquids and their state like making water into ice and vapor. He can also create water elementals and beings who are born from water itself. He is also proficient in any weapon he uses.

Likes: His lovers , oceans, being around water, fighting strong opponents , spending time with Poseidon, and enjoys sparring with the other entities and training, and the fates.

Dislikes: arrogant humans and gods, losing any fights against Addax and Neophytos , humans who kill and abuse sea life senselessly, and humans who pollute the waters

Love interest: oc female lovers, Aphrodite, Athena,
Hecate, and other goddesses

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