Blood looks good on you-Five Hargreeves

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This is also a short one


Like always The hargreeves were on a mission. Five and Y/n were fighting back to back laughing. Y/n stole a guy's gun shooting him getting blood on her. Five was in awe to see blood on her, Hell it was his girlfriend covered in blood of course he's going to be in awe.

It was no secret that Five and Y/n were together their 'Father' even knew but he couldn't stop love. Hell he saw it coming when he saw how alike they both are.

The only thing that popped into Five's mind to say to his girlfriend was blood looks good on you which made Y/n turn her head at him saying why thank you love before she jumped down where she was punching a man who tried to to grab her knocking the guy out.

Five continued to fight the rest while every now or then looking to see if his girlfriend was ok.

                                          THE END

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