Catwomen and Batman-Diego Hargreeves

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Diego and Y/n were just like Catwomen and Batman their own siblings called them that but they take it as a compliment.

Ever since those two got to see each other again they never left one another's side. After Diego confessed his feelings towards the girl they started dating so when Luther told Diego the mission Diego had to do y/n said she'll go with him. 

After a lot of convincing Diego he finally let her come with him. They both finally arrived to their destination. We're here was heard from Diego. The couple walked in but still making sure they don't get caught.

The couple heard a noise not that far ahead so Diego gripped on one of his knifes as Y/n was ready to use her manipulative. They finally saw the people they were told to kill the guys started running at Diego and Y/n.

Diego threw one of his many knifes at one of the guys killing them and Y/n on the other hand was manipulating some of the others to see her on one side of the room so she could snap their necks from behind.

After Diego and Y/n finished the rest they high fived each other smiling. Y/n grabbed Diego's hand and walked out of the building after saving the people in that building.

Y/n and Diego came back to the academy still holding hands and proud. Ah our Batman and Catwomen are finally back Klaus said smiling how'd it go you two did you save the people in that building Luther ask them. We did our job the people are safe and sound Diego said, A good was heard from Luther.

Yes Y/n might not have been a bad guy but she still got the job done and at the end of the day that's all that matters but she still had her own kind of Batman Diego himself

Yes Diego might not be a billionaire man who is almost everybody's superhero but he still got the job done and at the end of the day that's all that matter's but he still has his own kind of Catwomen Y/n herself

                                                                       THE END

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