House of memories-Five Hargreeves

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It was a boring day for the Hargreeves they all were doing their own little thing. Y/n was laying on Five's bed while he was trying to find out who started the apocalypse. Y/n was playing with her fingers bored as fuck she thought she was going to fall asleep due to it being quiet in Five's room.

Y/n broke the silence Five can we do something im bored Y/n said. Not right now (you're nickname) Five told her which made Y/n to roll her eye's. Y/n rolled off the bed falling to the floor with a thud but followed up by "im okay". Five chuckled shaking his head but going back to work.

Y/n thought of a perfect idea she got back up laying on the bed again. Hey Five you remember when we were kids and you always came to my room late at night just so we can talk till sunrise Y/n said. Yes Y/n were are you going with this Five said confused.

Can you please take a break and talk to me about memories we had Y/n said sitting up. Ok fine Five said getting up to sit next to her.

Oh you remember when you pranked Luther by painting his nails when he was asleep Five asked his girlfriend. Oh yeah i did do that he was so pissed off at me Y/n said laughing. 

This continued for about 2 hours soon enough it was midnight. Their laughter died down and they were getting tired so they laid down cuddling.

Five and Y/n liked to call their memories "house of memories" they made the name up together.

                                   THE END

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