Author's Note

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Hey everyone, it's Fate-Dream.
I've been wanting to write a book on here for ages and now I have.

Some of you might have read my Divergent Fanfiction - Fear (A Divergent Story). Its okay if you haven't.

In my last story the chapters weren't very long so these are (I hope!).

Thanks to anyone who takes the time to read my story, you're amazing!

I'd love if you'd comment telling me what you think. It would be great to have feedback, tell me if you like or don't like my story. I would also like to know if you guys want any romances and between who.

Also please comment if there is any spelling or grammar mistakes. It would help a lot so I can improve my writing. Sometimes I write in different tenses so please tell me if I do.

If anything doesn't make sense or you have any questions feel free to comment or message me.

Also I will not do an A/N every chapter.

All rights reserved.

I hope you like reading this, I've planned a few plot-twists.


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