Chapter 4

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        I woke up early in the morning with cold water being splashed on me. I sat straight up in shock to come face to face with Sebastian. "Good morning." he stated, holding a bucket in his hands. I glared at him, "Morning.." "We're going into town today, we're also taking Pluto with us, so I need you to get him...attired."  he said, raising an eyebrow. "Oh,okay." I said, suddenly looking to my side to find him gone. "Where is he?" I asked him, getting out of bed and stretching. "Outside. Don't worry though, he's not playing in the dirt." With that said, Sebastian left so I could get ready. I took off my drenched night gown then went to my bathroom and quickly dried off before putting on my usual maid clothing. After I finished buckling my mary janes, I walked out of my room and shut the door. I took a step and heard something crinkle, I looked down and realized it was a suit. "How am I supposed to get Pluto in a suit?.." I thought, picking the clothing up and looking it over. It was quite nice, I'd say. I sighed, walking down the hall and the stairs, heading towards the garden.

        "PLUTO!!" I called, cupping my free hand over my mouth. All of a sudden, I felt the ground shaking, I thought it was an earth quake and I begun to have a mini panic attack till I saw a big white dog running towards me. "WHAT THE FU-" I got cut off by it leaping towards me. "NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE!" I yelled, running the other way. "VIVIAAANNN!! COME BACK!! I LOVE YOU!!" a voice shouted. I recognized it as Pluto's, so I stopped running and spun around only to come face to face with fur. "Hi!" Pluto thought, thumping his tail and panting. "Pluto?" I looked up at the big dog in front of me. "Yes!~" he thought happily. I sighed in relief as he changed into his human form, quickly pulling me into a tight hug and licking my face. "I love you, I love you, I love you!" he repeated over and over. I rolled my eyes and giggle. "I love you too Pluto. Now, we're going into town today, so I need to get you into some clothes."  "..Wat?" Pluto thought, suddenly not licking my face anymore. "I know..but it was Sebastians rules. I can also help you with talking as I dress you." I said, scratching my cheek. He nodded sadly and followed me inside and up to my room.

        Once I shut the door, I laid out the clothes on the bed. "Alright Pluto, first things first, I want you to say, 'Hello'." I helped him slip on some under garments as he tried to think for a moment. "H-hewlo." he tried, scratching his temple. "Close! Try again." I said, smiling at him as I helped him put on his shirt. "Hello..?" he tried, saying it perfectly. "Perfect! Now about my name? Vivian." He smiled at this, "Vivian!" he said, kissing my lips as I buttoned the front of his shirt. I giggled, "Yep!~ How about, 'How are you today?' " He pursed his lips together, watching as I grabbed the pants, picking up one of his legs to put it through the pant hole. " today?" he repeated, tilting his head. I nodded, "Jeez, it's like you've been practicing." I teased, slipping the pants up around his waist and buttoning/zipping them up. This went on until he was fully dressed, with what I was teaching him, he could basically hold a normal conversation. I fastened his tie just as Sebastian came inside. "Are you ready?" he asked, looking us over. "Yes!" Pluto said happily, pulling me in his arms. "Hm..Good job Ms.Rosewell." Sebastian complimented, smirking at me. I curtsied, "Thank you!" Pluto and I then followed Sebastian out of my room and to the carriage where Ciel was waiting.

        As we were sitting in the carriage, Ciel looked over Pluto and started a normal conversation with him. After the conversation was finished, he looked over at me, "Superb work Vivian, I expected no less. You get a free day off tomorrow as a reward." "FINALLY!!!" I cheered mentally, dancing a little. "Thank you, master Ciel!" I said, smiling at him happily. He gave me a small smile before gesturing to Sebastian to give me something. He pulled out a list and handed it to me, "We're going to see the Undertaker, I want you to get these things then come meet us after they're in the carriage." Ciel instructed as I read over the paper.
1 lbs of sugar
Clothes for Pluto
"I got this." I said, giving him a thumbs up. "Good, I also want you and Pluto to have a Sebastian informed me of your relationship with....him, and I thought I'd be nice. After your grocery shopping, go on the date THEN meet us at the Undertakers place." Ciel said, making sure I understood before making Sebastian practically throw Pluto and I out of the carriage. Thankfully I got Ciel's money before that happened. Pluto helped me up, "This is going to be fun!" he managed to say, looping my arm in his. I smiled warmly at him before leading us towards the grocer.

        After we got everything we needed, I had Pluto track down the carriage since I've never met the Undertaker. "There!" he pointed with the free finger he had. I had him hold the groceries, but hey, he did offer. I opened the carriage door and he quickly put the bags in then shut the door. "Date!" he shouted, taking my hand before running in a random direction towards a cafe. "H-hey wait a sec!" I said, trying to regain my balance.

        Once we sat down at a table, I was surprised that he could sit so well AND drink his beverage properly! He was basically human! I sipped my water and blushed as he took hold of my free hand. "This is nice Pluto, I'm surprised you're acting so human!"  "I got some..special help..from Sebastian." he tried saying, smiling at me. "That was nice of him." I said, before looking at the plate that was set down in front of me. It was a slice of red velvet cake, I love this cake with a passion! Pluto just ordered the same thing since I said it was my favorite, I guess he wanted to try it. I quickly dug into it, savoring the flavor as I watched Pluto take his first bite of it. His eyes widened and I smiled as he dug in for more. "Do you like it?" I asked, taking another bite. "YES!!" he thought excitedly, not wanting to talk as he engulfed it. As soon as we finished our cake, I decided it was time to go and paid the bill before leaving with Pluto. When we got to the carriage, he pulled me close and kissed me softly. "I love you Vivian." he said, giving me a soft smile. "I love you too Pluto." I kissed him again before heading inside to tell Ciel we were finished.

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