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The smell of warm, gooey cookies filled your shared home with Cedric as you sat yourself in front of the oven, impatiently staring into the little window and counting down the fifteen minutes until they would be ready. It was hard to stay away from them, you thought. The smell was just teasing you - taunting you, as if saying 'the cookies are in progress, but you can't touch them just yet.'

Cedric, leaning against the counter and taking a sip of his tea, fought the urge to chuckle as he watched you, seated comfortably on the floor with a blanket wrapped around you and a silly grin on your face.

Oh, how he adored you. Every little thing about you. From you desire to crack jokes only to see people laugh, to the way small things - like baking - would render you utterly happy. He had fallen for you all those years ago at Hogwarts, and never regretted a moment of it. You captured his attention as much now as you did all those years ago.

He watched, content as ever, while you eyed the timer above the stove.

"Come sit with me," you reached out to him, giving him a soft smile that he knew he couldn't say no to even if he wanted to.

He placed his mug down on the counter and leaned down, sitting on the cold floor and scooting as close to you as he could. His heart did a little flip as you lifted your arm and wrapped your blanket around him - he could smell you and feel the heat radiating off of your body. He really did love it.

"It smells nice in here," you said, leaning your head against his shoulder.

He nodded softly before leaning his head against yours, lifting his hand and placing it atop your knee, "It does. Bet they'll taste better than they smell."

"Well, of course they will," you scoffed, poking him in the side and causing him to jump slightly at the ticklish sensation, "Cookies always taste better than they smell. Besides, smelling them doesn't put them in my belly."

Cedric couldn't fight the laughter that bubbled within him, the vibrations from his body causing you to let out your own laughter. He found your laughter infectious - unique in its own adorable way - so your laughter only egged him on to laugh harder.

The two of you were just sitting on the floor, wrapped in a blanket and staring at an oven, giggling away while the clock on the wall flashed 2:34am.

"Reckon we'll have any left tomorrow?" Cedric found himself asking after a few moments of silence, the comfortable air in the room not previously needing to be broken by conversation.

"Nope," you replied rather quickly, lifting your head off of his shoulder and giving him a toothy grin, "I'll eat them all while we go watch telly in bed."

Cedric had recently introduced you to a Muggle service called Netflix - which you had to admit, you really liked. It was hard to go to sleep without watching a few episodes. The two of you had recently started a new series and were up late binging it - only, you had had no snacks.

That's how the two of you ended up in the kitchen at this hour of the morning, the smell of chocolate cookies wafting through the quiet apartment and the low rumble of your stomach signalling your impatience.


Cedric stumbled over as you jumped up, picking your wand up off of the counter and opening the oven. He was eye-level with the blast of heat that emerged, causing him to grimace and stand up hastily, waving his hands in front of his face.

"Oh, the smell of joy," you grinned, eyeing the cookies as you lifted your wand, lifting the tray out of the oven and placing it atop the stove. The smell was now ten times stronger that they were out of the oven, and even Cedric couldn't fight the hungry grumble in his belly.

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