Treasure Hunt

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by @justauthoring on tumblr

You were smitten the first second you saw him.

Stood between Hermione and Ginny, your attention had almost instantly been taken by the boy when you saw his charming smile and twinkling lights. Something in your chest had tightened and you felt your cheeks warm, almost on instinct, heart fluttering as he shook hands with Mr. Weasley and his father introduced him as Cedric.


You felt a slight pinch in your side and glancing to your left with a light hiss, your wide eyes found Hermione's all too knowing ones. She was grinning ear from ear at you, and both embarrassed and appalled at the thought of being caught all but ogling the boy, you turn to Ginny, only to find the almost exact same shit-eating grin on her face.

"Oh, bugger off," you laugh, shaking your head at the two girls as you quickly move to catch up with the rest. But Hermione and Ginny are right on their tail, and they have no attention of letting this go.

"You totally like him," Hermione whispers, thankfully so only you and Ginny can hear her. A quick glance at her from the corner of your eye, you can tell she's laughing and even wiggling her brows a little at you, almost suggestive that makes your cheeks burn even harder then they had before.

"Totally," Ginny nods, grinning, "though, I can't blame you. He is..." She doesn't finish her sentence, but it's pretty obvious what they mean.

Anxious and determined to get away from their teasing's, you shoot them a half-hearted glare over your shoulder, picking up the speed in your step so you're up in the front with the Weasley twins. You were relieved to find out Hermione and Ginny had decided to let it go, for now, but of course, being farther up in the front also meant you were just directly behind Cedric.

And you're not even really sure what's wrong with you. You've never reacted to some stupid attractive boy before, but for some reason, your heart was hammering madly against your chest. All else seemed to drown to the back of your mind, gaze stuck on the back of Cedric at he laughed along with something his father had said.

He was completely oblivious to you.

Just as you were completely oblivious to the tree root you happen to trip over seconds later. A small yelp leaves your lips as you feel yourself falling forward, mentally prepping yourself for the thud and pain when you hit the ground. However, you never do, and instead, you fall into a pair of arms. You blink, dazed and confused, until you flicker your gaze up to meet Cedric's own.

Well, he was definitely noticing you now. Maybe just not in the way you wanted.

Your cheeks warmed in embarrassment but Cedric simply just smiled down at you, helping you to your feet. The Weasley twins passed you along the way, and you heard them call out some joke about something being on your mind but you didn't really have the heart to listen to them. Not with Cedric so close and smiling at you with those warm eyes of his and...

and honestly, what was wrong you? You'd met this boy not five minutes ago.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah," you breathe, pulling at your shirt to straighten it as you nervously blink up at the much taller boy. "I... I just... just didn't see the root."

"Probably not," he grinned, "especially when you were too busy staring at me."

He noticed that?

"Pretty hard not to," Cedric snorted.

You hadn't even known you'd said that aloud.

Placing a hand to your cheeks, you groan out in embarrassment.

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