We'll Be a Dream

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"Hermione is right! You boys could get hurt!" (Y/N) said placing her hands on her hip.

"Oh, come on, (Y/N)! You're no fun!" Ron complained.

"Cedric! Please, tell your girlfriend that nothing would happen to us if-" Harry started as Cedric walked over to the group.

"Nope, sorry, mate, I am not about to disagree with her if she thinks it's dangerous for you to be doing... whatever it is you're doing" he said placing his hand around (Y/N)'s shoulder and kissing her head.


"No buts, boys! If I find out you do it, I will tell Professor McGonagall and Mrs. Weasley" she said looking at Ron, who paled a little.

"You wouldn't" he said.

"Oh, but I would" she said with a firm face.

"Fine" they said at the same time as they turned around and started to leave, Hermione giving (Y/N) a grateful smile before she followed them.

"What did they want to do anyway?" Cedric asked curiously as he pulled her towards a tree near the lake where they sat down.

"Same stupid boy stuff they always do" she said resting her head on his chest. "I'm impressed how Hermione hasn't killed them both" she said with a small chuckle as he placed a small kiss on her forehead. "How was practice?"

"It was good" he said stroking her arm with his hand. "I'm tired though."

"Well, of course you are, did you eat anything before you went to practice?"

"I uh- w-well-"

"Cedric!" she said sitting up.

"I didn't have time, love! I overslept and I can't be late! I'm the Captain!"

(Y/N) rolled her eyes and grabbed her bag. She took out a few rolls of bread and an apple. "I knew you would say that" she said handing them to him. "Do not give me that look, Cedric Amos Diggory!" she said trying to remain mad at him but it was really hard when he smiled at her the way he was.

"You're amazing, did you know that?" he said pulling her closer.

"Stop it, I'm trying to be mad at you" she said letting out a small chuckle.

"I know" he said kissing her cheek. "And you're absolutely adorable when you're mad" he said as she hit him on his chest.

"That's not true!"

"Yes, it is" he said smiling dreamily at her.

Cedric then laid on the grass, resting his head on (Y/N)'s lap as she ran her fingers through his hair and read her book.


"Hmm?" he answered, with his eyes still closed.

"Do you think I'm boring?"

"What?" he asked confused, opening his eyes. "Of course not, love! Why would you say that?"

"I don't know" she said, closing her book and looking away. Cedric frowned his eyes in confusion and sat up to face her.

"Love, what's going on?"

"Nothing" she tried to brush it off. "I was just curious" she said, still not facing him.

"(Y/N), love, look at me" he said sweetly. (Y/N) let out a small sigh and then finally looked at her boyfriend directly in his grey eyes. "Did someone say something to you?" he asked softly placing his hand on her cheek.

Cedric and (Y/N) had been together for about a year now. She was one of the sweetest and kindest people he knew. That's what he loved about her.

"N-no" she tried again to make it seem as if it was not a big deal. "Is just... what Ron said-"

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