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"What the hell?" Damon asked himself as he heard screaming from inside the Boarding house. He rushed inside, dropping his coat when he saw Eleanor on the floor, her arms breaking in unhumanly ways.

"Oh my God. Eleanor? What happened?" He ran over to her. Damon knelt down beside her and moved the hair out of her face. Her face was covered in sweat and tears, making it feel like Damon's heart was breaking just in the state she was in.

"My m-mother. She killed s-someone to trigger the were-" Eleanor cut herself off with a scream as her spin cracked. Damon knew what she was talking about, he just had no idea how her mother could kill someone for her.

"Shit. Okay, um." Damon had no idea what to do. He thought of possible places she could go and turn into a wolf where she wouldn't harm anyone. Suddenly, his mind clicked.

"Eleanor, listen to me. I need you to stand up." Damon told her.

"Wh- I can't!" She sobbed. Her legs ached from turning and twisting.

"Are you sure?"

"Damon! Fuck yes I am sure!" She shouted, angry at the vampire. Damon sighed and muttered a few curse words under his breath. He put his arms under Eleanor, wincing as she screamed. He gripped onto her and sped downstairs and into the cell in the basement. He placed Eleanor in the middle of the room and walked out of it. He shut the door and locked it. Damon looked inside the room through the small set of bars and watched Eleanor. She layed still for a few minutes, then her arm flew backwards and up in the air. Damon turned away, not being able to watch her. It hurt him too much to listen to her in pain.


"Damon?" Stefan yelled out as he entered the house. He froze when he heard painful cries coming from downstairs. He sped to the basement, where he saw Damon leaning up against the wall opposite to the cellar.

"What the hell is happening?" Stefan asked.

"Long story short, Eleanor got into a fight with Klaus, I found her in the woods and offered her to stay here. I left her here for a couple of hours, her mother appeared and killed someone to trigger her werewolf gene. Now, we have a werewolf on our hands." Damon explained to him.

"And you think that this cellar will hold her down?"


"Then what are you planning on doing?" Stefan crossed his arms.

"Holding the door down. If she escapes, we run then find her in the morning." Damon shrugged.

"Is this some sort of joke to you?" Stefan said in disbelief. This is something that Damon would do, though. Just throw it aside in hopes of someone else fixing it.

"No. There's a freaking werewolf in our house, along with three vampires. Speaking of vampires, where is Elena?" Damon asked him.

"She's at Caroline's with Bonnie. They found some more stuff about Silas." Stefan said. Damon stayed quiet as they listened to Eleanor's harsh breathing.

"Stefan, do you remember when we undaggered Eleanor? Klaus got mad at us because apparently she's the cure." Damon said.

"He was probably kidding."

"Klaus doesn't kid!" Eleanor shouted painfully from inside the cellar.

"See? Eleanor has known him for who knows how long. Take it from her if you won't believe me." Damon crossed his arms. Stefan clenched his jaw. He really didn't want to believe her, but something was telling him the he should.

"I mean, yeah, maybe he's telling the truth. But she doesn't even know if she's the cure. Maybe he's just saying that to scare us away from Silas or something." Stefan said.

"Dear God, Stefan! I know I am the cure!" Eleanor growled, getting fed up with his shit.


"Listen to her, Steffie." Damon cut him off.

"Don't call me that. And okay, fine, I believe you." Stefan sighed. A smug grin made it's way onto Damon's face, but was soon replaced with a frown when he heard Eleanor scream.


Almost two hours has passed. Stefan was back upstairs, in his room. Damon was sleeping in a chair that he found downstairs, beside the door to the cellar. He managed to block out the painful sounds coming from inside the cellar by thinking about what he'd do once Eleanor actually turned into a wolf.

Damon woke up suddenly when a whine, almost like a puppy, came from inside the cellar. He stood up cautiously and inched towards the cellar door.

He poked his head through the steel bars, separating him from Eleanor. His eyes widened at the sight infont of him. He was also surprised that Eleanor's wolf hadn't attacked him, or Stefan, yet.

The wolf was curled up in the corner of the room. The one light hanging from the ceiling gave Damon enough light to see the emotions on the wolf's face. Fear covered it's face. Her ears were back and her tail was hiding between her legs- usually meaning that the animal (or dog) is scared.

Damon slowly opened up the door to the cellar. He took small steps into the fairly large room. The wolf looked up and whined once again. She slowly got up to her feet, making her look ten times larger. She almost came up to Damon's chin.

The wolf walked slowly towards Damon. He was confused. Werewolfs usually attack and kill any vampire in sight.

Eleanor's wolf nuzzled her head into his neck. Damons shocked face was soon filled with calmness. His tense figure was now relaxed. He lifted his hands and started to brush them through her soft fur.

An idea clicked in Damon's head. He removed his hands from the wolf and slowly move backwards. Eleanor's wolf whined and moved towards Damon. Damon continued to move backwards, and the wolf followed him.

It followed him all the way upstairs. Stefan was coming downstairs at the time.

"What the hell?" He exclaimed when he saw the stunt that Damon was pulling.

"Oh, hello brother." Damon smirked and made his way to the couch, the wolf following him.

"What are you doing?" Confusion filled Stefan's face.

"Turns out," Damon said,"That this wolf doesn't hate vampires."


"How am I supposed to know? I found it whining in the corner of the cellar." Damon nodded his head to the wolf. It layed infront of his feet, its head resting on Damon's feet.

"And you're sure that it won't go crazy on us?" Stefan walked over to the liquor and poured himself some Bourbon.

"No. But I managed to get it up here, so what's the harm?" Damon replied.

"I guess s-" Stefan was cut off. All of their heads snapped towards the door when someone opened it.



caitlin looks like cinderella in the gif.

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