Chapter 15

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quick question.
where are all of these followers coming from-

Alexander's POV

"liza i'm home!" i say as i kick my shoes off by the front door and hang my coat.

"hey hubby" she says happily as she gives me a peck on my lips

"hi baby" i say and give her a peck on her forehead as i put my hand on her stomach

"how's my son doing?" i say as i crouch down and kiss her stomach

"alexander" she giggles "we don't even know the gender yet.." she says as she runs her delicate fingers through my sweaty hair

"oh i know" i stand up and flash her a bright smile. she shakes her head and chuckles

"go take a shower. you're all sweaty" she goes to walk away but i grab her hand

"join me?" i ask and she blushes

"i'm cooking dinner..maybe next time" i pout and she kisses my cheek and makes her way to the kitchen.

i love my life...i have a beautiful wife and soon a beautiful baby boy on the way. I just know our baby is going to be a boy i have a feeling.. i make my way to the bathroom and undress as i get in the shower.

i relax under the warm water and i close my eyes and lean my head against the wall..

i started thinking.. something doesn't feel right..i everything isn't how it should be..

i clean myself up and get out the cold air hits my skin making me shiver. i dry myself off and get dressed.

"liza, baby." i say as i go to the kitchen and open the fridge.

"liza?" the voice scoffs "you cheatin' on me now hamilton?" i turn to look at the person to see a freckled boy with a slicked back ponytail as he stirs whatever is the pot

"...wheres eliza?" i ask and he just shakes his head

"there is no eliza alexander. just me" he says

"and who are you?" i ask and he looks at me dumbfounded

"seriously?" he scoffs and roll his eyes

"i'm john. your husband" he flashes me his ring and i just stare at him..

"i-i don't have a husband i have a wife...eliza....and she's going to have our baby" i say and he just ignores me.

"sit down. dinners done" he says and i sit down...

what's going on..

"here. eat up" he places my plate down in front of me and i start to eat

"this is really good" i say and he smiles

"you say that every time.." he starts to eat

"i do?" i ask

"yes you do. seriously, babe. what is wrong with you today?" he asks and i just sigh

"i don't know..i'm just tired i guess" i say and yawn

"well hurry and eat so you can go to bed" i nod and finish eating i put my plate in the sink and help john with the dishes. We both make our way up to our shared room and get in bed he cuddles up to my side and i hold him..

this feels weird..this is weird right? it doesn't feel....real.

it's to happy to perfect..

i feel my eyes close as i drift off to sleep..


i wake up by someone pumping on my chest

"john? what the hell what are you doing?" i say and he continues to do it.

"hey what the hell. stop it.. it hurts." i try to push him away but i can't move my arms

"wake up!" he shouts still pumping on my chest

"i'm up! i'm up!" i say and he shakes his head.

"wake up!" he repeats and stops. soon after that i feel a sharp electrical pain through my chest. what the hell? i felt it again

"clear!" he yells.. is he okay?

"john?" i could feel my eyes getting heavy again i close them

"clear!" there's that pain again.. i open my eyes to see a bright white light above me

"to bright" i croak and the people around me sigh in relief

"nice to have you back Dr. hamilton" the person says

"where am i?" i question and he checks my iv

"you're in the hospital. You were strangled to death by one of your mental patients." he says and i sigh i close my eyes.. i remember what happened now....

i was so pissed and in shock that i kept calling john insane but i didn't mean any of that...i just wanted to help him i wanted him to get better.
Me calling him insane just made the situation worse than it was. i should've just kept it to myself, but...i never knew he'd try to kill me..

i love john i do...does he love me back? i scoff. obviously not after what just happened...

i think it would be best if i..

if i quit..

i love my job i really do i've helped plenty of people out of that place...

but this? i can't let this happen again.

maybe i can just not be his doctor anymore? i'm pretty sure peggy would understand that.

"just remember one thing Dr. Hamilton" the doctor said to me

"what's that?" i ask still keeping my eyes closed

"you're one lucky son of a bitch." he says and i chuckle weakly

"tell me about.." he laughs lightly and leaves the room.

i really am lucky, but i just wonder what john is thinking right now...i know he regrets doing this i think.. i mean he should right?


i'm sorry! i just couldn't get rid of hammy😎
i hope you all had a wonderful day!
love you!

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