Chapter 2.

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After their afternoon meeting, the band was told that their next tour would take them to Seattle, Washington. This would be their last least for a while, by this point, the band was getting worn out of touring America. At one point they couldn't wait to get back home to England, but then the thought would come over them that they want to go back to the U.S purely because they miss it.

The girls had one more gig in Dallas, and it was in two days. So for fun that night, they decided to go to a local night club, the girls thought it would be a good idea to just have a night off. Plus they thought it would be ideal for Dannii. They came across a club called 'Sirens' and the name was defiantly well chosen for the club. The roof had spotlights on either side that flashed red and blue.

At the entrance were two security guards, big bulked up guys with shaved heads and earpieces, dressed from head to toe in black. As the girls approached the club Suzie joked "Hey Dan, how about these hunks." Dannii chuckled "Not my type, but thanks for pointing them out." The girls checked with the guards and entered the club, except for Suzie who was chatting up one of the guards. "Listen I think you're really hot. Would you mind if I took you back to my hotel room and you can show me your throbbing...." "Suzie!" Sadie interrupted, grabbing her attention so that she would join the others.

Suzie looked at the three girls then glanced back at the security guard and gave him a cheeky wink. Suzie joined the rest of the girls. Once through the secondary doors, the girls entered the club. "Now this is my kind of place." Lizzy said grinning from ear to ear. The girls approached the bar and ordered their drinks. They all chipped in together.

Drinks in hand they began to wonder the club. "Right girls if you don't mind I'm off to find me some hotties," Suzie said. "Do you ever stop to think if you carry on going from person to person you might catch something?" Saide asked as she sipped her beverage. "No, because...." Suzie then pulled a condom wrapped in red foil from her bra and held it up to the girls. "My God, she's becoming sensible." Dannii said with a smile. Suzie winked at the girls and wondered into the distance as the club lights surrounded the room. The three girls found a nearby booth and began to chat amongst themselves. Now you'd think that would be pretty impossible in a nightclub when they were surrounded by loud music. You'd think that they wouldn't be able to hear each other talk. But they earned a living being surrounded by noise. "So have you seen anyone that takes your fancy yet Dan?" Lizzy asked, "Oh come on Liz, I've just sat down. Besides you don't even know my type."

"Okay, I tell you what, we'll point out some guys and then you tell us what you think of them." Sadie towards Dannii. "Okay, but you'll still never guess my type.Dannii said to them as she sipped her drink with a cheeky smirk. Lizzy and Sadie began to look around the club for guys, they began to point some out. But they all failed, Dannii did think anything of them. The night went on and the girls decided to get more drinks in as they returned to their booth. Suzie eventually did return but looked quite miserable. "Hey girl, what's up?" Sadie asked as Suzie sat down. "This place blows, all the guys in this place are bitches" Dannii put down her drink in shock. "You mean to tell me that you haven't hooked up with anyone?"  "No Suzie simply replied.

"Come on I'll get you a drink." Lizzy said sanding from the booth and offering Suzie her hand. The two girls walked to the bar "What you having hun?" Lizzy asked. "Gin and tonic" replied Suzie. As the barman began to prepare Suzie's drink she began to talk to Lizzy about her partner. "So what's going on with you and Courtney?" Lizzy asked. Suzie let out a sigh. "It's complicated, one minute we argue the next we're fine. I mean yeah of course I love her but I'm tired of the arguments." Lizzy and Courtney had been dating for two years. They met at one of Bruise violets concerts, and although things started off great their relationship took a downslope. Trust issues began to erupt from Courtney's side. With Lizzy being on the road with the girls, Courtney always had a negative thought in her mind that maybe Lizzy was up to no good. She had unhealthy relationships with other women in the past and the trust issues started from there, and this is what the arguments would be about. But Lizzy was such a loyal person the very last thing on her mind was to break someone's heart.

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