Chapter 3

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It was the girl's last performance in Dallas, Texas. The crowd was ready and waiting for the band to appear on stage. They were backstage gearing up, "Ready to do this?" Sadie said as she just finished tuning up her guitar, which the model was a Stagg, Les Paul. "Yeah, last show baby" Lizzy said with enthusiasm. A roadie stood by holding the backstage curtain, another roadie on the other side of the curtain, counting down the seconds. "3...2...1..." On one both roadies opened the curtains and it was the Bruise violet's time to shine.

The band entered the stage and the crowd cheered them on. The group opened with a song that Dannii wrote called 'Love isn't the same without you.' It may sound like a slow song, but it was a powerful rock ballad. She took inspiration from other rock artists like Joan Jett, Suzie quarto, Pat Benatar, and Janis Joplin. The band plowed through their setlist, it came time for Dannii and Lizzy to have a break. Whilst Sadie and Suzie remained on stage to do their Guitar and drum solo. The crowd was rocking it out down below, when they finished the crowd applauded and cheered. It was an uproar.

Dannii and Lizzy came back on stage, Lizzy took her Fender bass from its stand and donned it. Dannii returned to the microphone stand and took a few moments to speak to the audience. "You guys are amazing. Thank you so much. This is our last show in this amazing city." The crowd sighed in disappointment, "But that doesn't mean we won't be coming back." Dannii added, the sigh from the crowd erupted into applaud and cheer. "You guys want a couple more songs?" Dannii said, causing the crowd to cheer them on, indicating that they do. Dannii walked over to the piano, sat down and began to play the opening notes to a song called 'since you've been gone'. This was one of Bruise Violet's slow ballads. The audience below the stage was swaying from left to right and singing. And those who came with their partners i.e. Boyfriends or Girlfriends were holding each other tightly. It was an emotional sight, and the song was always said to be their most sad song. By the end of the show, the energy in the arena was through the roof, Bruise Violet knew how to give a great performance. The people of Dallas, Texas cheered them on one last time. "Goodnight, we love you." Dannii said to the crowd, as the other girls waved goodbye.

Bruise Violet left the stage with the audience cheering and whistling. The band walked backstage, "Amazing job guys!" One roadie said, "Thanks" Dannii replied. Each member of the band headed to their dressing room to cool off. After a short break the group re-joined in the chill room, they had a brief discussion about this tour and the next one to come. Lizzy began "God! We're good." Suzie replied " me in bed." The group laughed, Dannii was in an armchair but she was in deep thought. "I swear there was a guy giving me the eye tonight" Suzie added. "No... more like you giving him the eye" Lizzy replied. Sadie noticed Dannii looking to the floor. Her legs crossed and twisting her ring. She was aware of her surroundings and could hear everything going on but she wasn't very responsive. "Everything okay over there?" Sadie asked her. "Look guys, I need to say something." 

Dannii said, grabbing everyone's attention. "I..." Just as she spoke, Jim walked into the room. "Girls you've done it again, you never lose your charm." The band had only been going for two years, and they were already fairly well known. "Thanks Jim." Sadie said smiling back. "And Dannii, you were amazing!" Jim added. She glanced at Jim "Yeah, thanks." "You okay?" He asked. Dannii was hesitant about what she had to say but she couldn't put it down any longer.

"Guys, look. I really don't know how to put this but..." she paused. "Sorry, is there something I don't know?" Jim asked. Danni wasn't sure how to word her next sentence, she had to come clean to the band and Jim. "Every time I'm on my own the feeling is just horrible. If I carry on like this it's only going to get worse for me." The room was silent. "What does it doesn't matter, I'm already depressed." "Don't feel like that Dan. You'll find someone soon." Suzie said with her hand on Dannii's shoulder. Jim looked really confused as he didn't know about Dannii's relationship status.

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