BeYOUtiful "In the Eyes"

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Quoted from the lovely Lianna Grace I think you guys will love this one! Nearly brought me to tears. You never know what God will tell you through other people when you need it most. Love you guys! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Lianna Grace & GLL

Hey beautiful girls! This week's 1 in a million Wednesday song is "In the eyes" by 1 girl nation. Do you remember last week when I said that girls should be looking at themselves through God's eyes, instead of the worlds eyes? If you didn't see last week's post then go check that out, I really enjoyed doing that one. :)

Anyway, this song showing you what you look like in God's eyes. In God's eyes, you are treasured. You are beautiful. You are perfect. You are worth way more than you could ever know. As this song says, "When the world has told you lies, you are priceless in his eyes" Don't listen to the lies of the world when the world is only temporary. Listen to the one who created you because he is everlasting.

Who cares is they say that you're different. Different is absolutely beautiful. Weird just means unique. Try drowning out your flaws and pointing out your perfections. So next time someone says that you are different, weird, or flawed, just remember, God says that you are beautiful, unique and perfect. God loves you and so do I. You are 1 in a million.


From Lianna Grace "In the Eyes" 1 Girl Nation

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