Chapter 1 ||Arizona ||

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The sun was rising over seattle and i found myself being shaken awake  "Arizona, Arizona Robbins, wake up!"  I looked up to find April kepner standing over me with a concerned look on her face.
"April,im awake, whats wrong?" with my question I saw my best friends eyes fill up "April talk to me " I said while holding my friends hand.
"It's just...  I  was worried about you that's all, I tried waking you a few times and you weren't waking ."
She was pacing round the room getting herself worked up into an anxious state,  I hated seeing her like that . I know she worries
about me but she doesn't realise  how much I worry about her.
"April, sweetie I'm okay  i'm tired that's all" those words were supposed to reassure my friend but it seemed to have the opposite effect "how about you make some pancakes and I will get up."
Baking calmed April, not that I was particularly hungry nor did I want to get up but I wanted to show April she had nothing to worry about.
I  pulled myself out of bed and into my wheelchair,  I disliked using it but it was easier for around the apartment and I wasn't planning on going out today.
"Arizona, Pancakes!" April chirped from the kitchen, despite my lack of appetite April 's pancakes did smell amazing.

April was standing in the kitchen, organising  two stacks of pancakes and two cups of coffee ,her red hair scrapped back from her face and put in a bun , I looked  at the time  4:49 am . That only meant one thing April was delaying rounds until she saw  me .April was a gifted trauma surgeon,  not that you would know that from meeting her, you would think peds maybe or nuero  but not trauma ,sweet hearted gentle April kepner was one of the best trauma surgeons I have seen.
April sat down opposite me and began to eat her pancakes and  drink her coffee in silence, not out of rudeness but because it was 5 am.
April finished her pancakes in about 5 minutes ,walked over to me and gave me a hug "I'll see you later Arizona"
"Bye Apes ,I'll see you later " and with that she walked out the door for the  beginning of what would be an incredibly long day.

After April left,  I went to the sink and began to wash up  the plates and cups ,after doing that I wheeled myself back to my room and  lifted myself out of my chair and into bed.Exhausted, the smallest things left me exhausted, I used to skate round the peds floor but now lifting myself out of bed put me out of action for hours .

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