chapter 4 || Arizona ||

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Pain. Unbelievable pain ,that was the only thing I could feel as I hit the ground.
My arms hurt ,there was blood running down my face , the world was getting darker and darker.

"Jane doe her 30's ,above knee amputee" was the first thing I remember hearing after hitting the ground. "I ..... I 'm not ...Jane doe my na my name is Arizona, A....rizona Rob..bins " I could hear my voice trailing off as I spoke.
"Arizona Robbins ,Grey !Send Kepner back i don't want her to see this " It was Owen Hunt's voice, I was at Grey sloan.
"Owen ,Owen I can't be here tell them ..seattle..pre" I didn't get to finish my sentence before April ran out and dissolved into sobs ,the most painful heaving sobs i have ever heard.

They took me to surgery to set my broken arms and to check for additional injuries.
When I awoke from surgery it was late and I was told to get some rest .

When I awoke the next morning I was not surprised to find April sat beside my bed, hand on my hand and one hand resting on her stomach. She looked tired, her red hair was down now not tied up like it had been yesterday and there was an angry red mark on her head. She was bitting her bottom lip ,a nervous habit of hers.

I opened my mouth to speak to  her, my mouth was dry but I needed to talk to her

"April, April,  what... how long actually you know what I love you "
"Hey zona,  I love you,  how do you feel  ? Any pain?" She was trying to be strong for me   I could tell .
"Apes, honestly I feel like a pile  of crap but I am so happy to see you " I replied trying my  hardest not to cry because she needed me .
We sat there for  about 10 minutes just holding hands in  silence when I  started crying.
"I....I'm so sor...sorry April, I only...."
That was all I could say  before I broke into  heaving sobs.
"Arizona, please please  listen to me. Don't say  sorry, your safe and thats all  I  want. "She stroked her cheek like I did to her  when she was upset  but that only seemed to make  me sob more.

Seeing  April sat by my  bed ,exhausted made me  feel guilty ,she does everything for me  and I  go and get hit by a car. At least while  I am in hospital she'll sleep  ,I Will make sure she sleeps.

staying alive ||A kepzona story||Where stories live. Discover now