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I do not own jujutsu kaisen. All rights and credits of characters, the anime and manga are Akutami Gege's. The only things I own are my Ocs.

Now that we have that out of the way, on with the story.


Edit additional note: To people very concerned with Seina's height and how it may make Satoru and her as a couple look illegal:

Seina is 5'5 before time skip, 5'6 after

Satoru is 6'3.

Yuuji is 5'8

She isn't that tall or that short; Satoru just likes to say it because he knows it bothers her.


The black haired girl rushed through the sea of people, and into the train station. Her red orbs observed the area as her brain processed the information.

The curse she had just excorsised had just about enough information for her to get a solid idea of what was about to go down in less than two minutes.

Damn it. I should've known this would happen. She thought begrudgingly, biting her lower lip.

The train station was deserted, except one man who was sitting near a pillar with a scared expression on his face.

"Hey, Sei, why are you in such a hurry?" Mei mei asked as she ran after the girl.

"I'm sorry senpai. No time to explain. I have to go after that idiot right now." She spoke hastily, her words tumbling after one another in a hurry.

"Sei-san, what's going on?" Itadori Yuuji asked her as he caught up with them. He had grown to be fond of the girl after their encounter.

"I'll leave here to you."


Yuuji didn't get to complete his sentence as the sorcerer took off, jumping on the train tracks before cracking her knuckles.

"One, two, " she took a deep breath and pushed off one leg in what looked like a long jump before she disappeared out of view.

"Three," Mei mei muttered under her breath.

"How did she even-"

Yuuji shook his head, and at that moment noticed the man sitting near the pillar. He looked horrified, so Yuuji being Yuuji stepped closer to him.

"Are you okay? What happened?"

Mei mei shook her head. "We were too late."

The man brought his knees closer to his chest and started mumbling. Out of curiosity, Yuuji got closer to him to hear what he was saying.

"Everyone.. monsters. They got on the train.... He said..."

Suddenly, his features started changing, his face expanded as if it was bloated and his voice got louder and deeper.


The man's badly mutated body fell on the ground and Yuuji gritted his teeth, knowing who had done this. "Shit. He was here."

It was only then that he saw where thw train went. His brain connected the dots.


"Don't worry," Mei Mei told him, folding her arms across her chest. Her brother didn't seem to be bothered. "She's already going there."

About 2 minutes ago, a black haired girl was jumping across the railway at a speed faster than a bullet train. The wind was cool against her skin and she shivered slightly. Her short black hair flowed behind her, the scrunchie that held it together long gone as she accelerated. She glared at a curse which was in her way.

"They sent you to stop me?"

"I-" the curse was exorcised before it could get a word out. She couldn't afford to lose more time. As she continued on, she exorcised curses that blocked her path.

When she got closer to the other station, her red orbs widened in surprise. There were many bodies of what appeared to be transfigured humans heading towards her.

"Ah fuck." She took out her sword and began taking them out.

She could sense the other curses nearby, but due to the transfigured humans being in a crowd of normal humans, it was hard to get closer.

At last she jumped onto the sign board. What surprised her was that Mahito did too.

"Ah, so you're finally here. That's a lot earlier than I thought." His tone was one of sarcasm.

"Fuck you, asshole."

"Looking for someone?"

In that moment Seina saw a flash of white.

Gojou Satoru.

Before she could make her way there, she was being pulled down and surrounded by transfigured humans.

"Sorry but I can't let you mess with my plans."

Shit I let my guard down, she thought as she fell.

With her flexibility she broke her fall, landing on her legs. She began cutting down the transfigured humans.

Her glare deepened as she cut down each one.

This is why she hated curses.

This is why she loathed curses.

They used all of these humans for their evil purposes. These people had their own family and their own goals in life. They had their whole lives ahead of them. It was all taken away from them and for what? To fulfill the curse's desires?

Just the thought made her blood boil.

Just as she was about to use her curse powers, an unmistakable feeling hung in the air. She couldn't sense Gojou Satoru anywhere.

The sound of Mahito laughing broke her out of her reverie.

"What are you laughing about?" She spit out angrily.

Tha villian's face morphed into a sadistic grin and his laughter grew louder.

"What am I laughing at? How could I not rejoice?"

No. It couldn't be. It can't be. Seina's mind rejected all the possibilities. It was simply impossible. He was the strongest sorcerer, she told herself.

Suguru Geto's figure was seen among the crowd of transfigured humans and curses. A square box lay on the ground where the vilians now stood.

The prison realm.

Suguru Geto, or what appeared to be using his body grinned when he saw Seina.

Her brain connected the dots before he spoke a word.



If you made it all the way here, thanks for reading.

I couldn't sleep and couldn't stop thinking about Gojou Satoru so hope you enjoyed results of my sleep deprived extravaganza!

Next chapter ? In two weeks : )

There's this book I'm almost done with on another account so that's why two weeks.

But who knows, it may be sooner :)

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