doctor - pt1

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an// hi loves <3 i'd posted this somewhere else as a doctor!grayson fanfic and had taken it down, but after a request, here it is, up again :) i changed y/n to ruby, so it's not in the second person, though i did keep the male lead's name as gray because i couldn't think of another haha :) i hope you like!! (this won't have a part 2 or anything because it's just a reupload of something from a really long time ago. i hope you don't mind xx)


"Shit!" Ruby backed up and fell right over onto the floor. Blinking a few times before actually realizing what she'd done, she sighed, looking up. There was someone in front of her, in scrubs, doing the same.

She blinked again as the man ran his hand through his hair and her jaw fell a little.

He was gorgeous.

"I'm sorry," he said as he scrambled up, picking up his folder and apple. Ruby shook her head, quick to help him pick up his scattered papers.

"No, no, I'm sorry, I was in a rush and didn't see where I was going-" he cut her off as he flashed a grin, pearly whites catching Ruby off guard.

"Don't worry about it, guess we both shouldn't have been walking so fast." She smiled at him and stood, handing him the papers she'd gathered. "Hey," he said with a smile. He stuck his hand out.

She stared at his watch for a moment before shaking his hand. Soft and warm- "Ruby, Celese Stanford." She smiled nervously.

"Grayson, Grayson Daniels," he said with a returning smile. She nodded and looked around. "Doctor down in the maternity ward," he filled in. Ruby's eyes widened.

"Doctor?" He chuckled and nodded.

"Sure am." He ran a hand through his hair, pushing his locks back. "Can I help you get anywhere?"

His bed, perhaps?

"Oh- I was just- my friend's getting an ultrasound today so I was supposed to accompany her and I got lost, but her appointment's almost over so I'm just gonna pick-" He chuckled, cutting off her rambling.

"Here, I'm headed there right now, I'll take you," hee said with a smile. She nodded and he tilted his head. "First of all, you're headed in the wrong direction." Ruby blushed.

"I don't- don't know."

"It's alright, don't worry about it," he said with a grin as she hurried after him. His shoulder width to waist ratio looked scrumptious from behind. "Next time, ask a desk, I promise they're nice around here," he said with a smile, turning back to look at her. She blushed some more.

"I didn't think to, doctor." Oh, that sounded nice.

"Oh, please, it's Grayson," he said with a chuckle. "'S not like we met under doctor-patient circumstances anyway," he said shaking his head as they heading down the hall. "I'm not done yet, anyway, still in a co-op thing."

The other thing was, hospitals scared Ruby. All the rush, the patients, the sick? So she stayed pressed to Grayson's side as they walked through. He nodded at people as he headed his way, and she earned a weird look from everyone walking right next to him..

"And here we are," he said with a grin. She looked around and nodded. Where the fuck was she supposed to go now? "Good?" he asked. Ruby nodded.

"Yeah- yeah, thank you," she said. He smiled and headed off in his own direction. Ruby looked around for a moment before swallowing. She was still confused as she heard a chuckle from behind her and turned.

"Still confused?" Grayson asked, walking back. She looked down, cheeks red.

"Sorry, I-"

"Awh, no, don't worry about it, where do you need to be?" he asked. "Your friend?"

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