Chapter 2

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When Kaneki woke up the first thing he noticed was that he was very dizzy. He didn't recognize the room he was in but it couldn't be anything but a prison cell.

Then he remembered being taken by Aogiri and the 10 days he spend being tortured by Jason. How did he escape? And how had he ended up being imprisoned again? But then the images flashed before his eyes of what had happened. He remembered asking Jason 'what is 1000 minus 7?' While eating him alive. He remembered hearing the door opening but being too caught up devouring the ghoul to react until it was too late and an unknown object exploded right in front of him. Heavy gass filled the air and after that everything was blank.

Before Kaneki had broken free from the chair he had been tortured in, Jason had told him the CCG was storming the buildings and that's why he had to eat kaneki now so he could help fight the investigators. He had told him that there was a rumour that eating ghoul meat would make you stronger. And the strong devoured the weak, Jason had said.

So as soon as Kaneki broke free, he was going to eat Jason to become stronger and escape the investigators. He was going to protect the people he loved. But it looks like the CCG got to him first.

Kaneki cracked his knuckles in frustration. How could he let this happen? How was he going to protect his friends now?
'You should have listened to me sooner' said the voice inside his head that he had come to recognize as Rize's.

By the time the dizzy feeling started to leave him there was a loud sound and a small hole in the door opened. A tray got shoved through it and the hole was closed again.

Kaneki stood up and walked over to the tray. On the tray there was a pile that he recognized as meat. Although it smelled off, it did seem like it would be edible for him which could only mean one thing. It must be human meat.

His first reaction was to shove it far away from him as possible but then he heard Rize's voice 'If you want to get out of here to protect your friends you're going to have to eat' and after all that happened he realises she was right. After all the CCG would not have murdered someone to feed ghouls right?

He hesitantly stepped towards the tray and breathed in. There was an other scent. A scent he would not have recognized 2 weeks ago but now he has become all too familiar with it.

Jason had used the same thing to keep his ghoul resistances at bay so that he could easily cut through his skin without using a kagune. Jason had injected it into his eye, but putting it in the food he was given did seem like an easier method.
The meat was filled with RC suppressants.

He instantly decided not to eat it and he knew Rize agreed with him. He would not let anyone take advantage of him ever again. And he hoped that whatever meat he ate of Jason would be enough to get him out of here.

'So what are you going to do kaneki? Are you going to sit here and pity yourself or will you get up and get rid of anything and anyone in your way to break us free'

There was just no way he was going to stay here. He would either end up as a quinque or dead. So he tried to led out his kagune to break through the door.

But his kagune did not show. The RC suppressants they must have given him before he woke up must still be in his system.

The only option he had was to try and break out without his kagune. He couldn't wait for the RC suppressants to leave his system. Who knows what the CCG will do to him before then and he could not take that risk.

Kaneki ran at the door and with all his strenght. With a loud bang he punched the door full force. After that he started scratching, kicking and punching it using everything he had but it was no use. The door did not even have a scratch on it.

After all Jason had done to him he didn't even notice his arm had broken from the force of his punches and his fingers were bleeding from the scratching at the indestructible door.

He didn't know if the door was made of quinque steel or the drugs they gave him were strong enough to take away the ghoul strenght he has had since Rize's organs got transplanted into him.

It didn't even matter which one it was. All kaneki knew was that he was not going to give up. He decided to save some strenght to try again soon in the hope that the RC suppressants will wear off and leave him stronger soon.

He grabbed his arm and it gave a loud crack when he put the bone back in its place so that it could heal correctly.

He sat down on the steel platform that he imagined was meant to be a bed.

It wasn't long until the door opened and multiple CCG investigators rushed in, pointing their quinques at him. "Hurry up and come with us!" One of them yelled.

Kaneki did not know where they wanted to bring him but he decided to play along for now. He could attack when they least expected it, when he was out of the indestructible box he had been locked in. So he stood up and followed the men out.

"Where are you taking me?" Kaneki asked. "We don't answer questions from monsters like you" one of them snarled back. Kaneki shrugged. He never really expected them to answer anyway.

He got escorted out with 2 investigators behind him, 1 on either side and 2 in front of him. He did not know why they thought they needed so many men to keep him from escaping. As far as he knew they had never seen him fight before beside his one encounter with the ghoul investigater to stop him from getting to Touka and Hinami. And he barely held his own against him. He didn't even kill him when he did manage to break his quinque.

He might have a chance fighting the investigators with his kagune but he still had no way of activating it. So he had no choice but to cooperate. He would just end up hurt if he tried to fight now. Not that pain bothered him anymore, but it would take longer to heal and without clean meat it would take too long.

They led him through a few corridors, the investigators started to let down their guard seeing the ghoul they were escorting did not seem interested in fighting them.

Kaneki tried to come up with a plan to catch his escords off guard and escape. But before he could do anything one of the men at the front looked behind him. "Pay attention to what you're doing you absolute idiots!!" He yelled "He might not look like much but we are escorting an S+ ranked ghoul. Don't even think about letting your guard down again!" The other team members cringed before straightening their backs to look tougher.
'S+ ranked?' Kaneki thought. 'How did that happen?' He wondered.

Soon they arrived at a door where the 2 investigators at the front moved aside and the ones behind him pushed their quinques forward, making him move forward and enter the room. The door quickly shut behind him with a loud bang.

Kaneki looked around the room. It was a little bit smaller than the cell he had been in earlier. 1 of the 4 walls was made out of thick glass.

'Figures they only brought me here to get information out of me' Kaneki thought. He couldn't imagine anything he knew that they didn't. He hadn't been in the ghoul world for long so the information he had was very limited. But as long as they thought he had useful information, he might have a chance at staying alive.

With this in mind he turned to face the glass. On the other side of the window was a room much like the one he was in right now.

The door in the other room opened and a man with a long white coat, the one every ghoul investigater wore,  entered. To Kaneki's surprise he recognised the investigator. It was the same one he fought that night. The first and only time he ever fought a dove.

The man walked towards the window and looked into Kaneki's grey eyes.

"Hello Eyepatch."

Well I guess I'll keep writing for now as I don't know what's going to happen either. I have some ideas of where I want this story to go but most of it just comes to me while I'm writing.  Next chapter will be from Amon his POV again.
If anyone has any ideas of things I could add in this story or other people their POV you want to see or plotlines that would be cool to work towards please let me know.
For now I am mostly writing for myself as like I said I don't know what's going to happen until I'm typing it so it's almost like I'm reading a story too. But I hope it's good enough for others to enjoy too.

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