23: Where Are We Going?

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Jimin knelt on the dirt of the garden, on his hands and knees, looking with wide eyes at the little sprouts coming from the ground.

He was actually growing something and it didn't die instantly! Hopefully it didn't take too long to grow fruits so they wouldn't be eating all this processed stuff as much.

Jimin heard footsteps behind him and he realized Jungkoom was coming to check on him. He had been out 'watering the garden' for at least 20 minutes now, so that made sense.

Jungkook knelt next to Jimin and smacked his butt since he was leaned over. Jimin gasped and turned around to smack Jungkook back.

Jungkook laughed.

"That's not funny!"

"You're reaction is just so cute I can't help it."

"Yeah? We'll see how cute it looks when I shove this watering can down your esophagus."

"Woah!" Jungkook scooted away. "That won't be necessary."

Jimin turned back to the little sprouts and just stared like he had been doing before.

"What are you doing?" Jungkook asked.

"Watching the plants grow. The little sprouts are so cute! They're my little children," Jimin smiled, not taking his eyes off of them.

"These are gonna be hard to move when we leave this place," Jungkook commented.

"Depends on how far we go and how much we take."

"Don't you think it would be better if we moved sooner?"


"I mean... sprouts are less of a hassle to move than big bushes and vines. And the sooner we find a play to stay, the sooner we can start a real farm. I think getting out of the deteriorating city would actually be good for us. Less dangerous." Jungkook explained.

"I guess your right. But do you have any idea where we should go?" Jimin asked.

"I had a cousin that moved to a small farm town near Seoul. We could probably go there," Jungkook suggested.

"That sounds plausible. I guess the plan is to go there, then. We can always go somewhere else if we change our mind later," Jimin shrugged, finally looking away from the plants, to Jungkook.

"Sounds good."

"But when? Should we start packing now?" Jimin hummed in thought.

"We can go whenever we feel like it. But it has been getting colder, so sooner might be better. We don't want to be stuck trying to move with no way to keep warm and snow making it hard to pass through." Jungkook slowly stood up. "Maybe we can at least start by sorting what we want to keep and what we don't need."

"That's a good place to start," Jimin nodded, glancing back at the sprouts before standing up and dusting off his knees.

They both went inside and Jimin put down the watering can in the kitchen.

"Oh!" Jimin gasped. "We should go to Seoul on our way there!"


"What if there's people there?" Jimin hugged Jungkook from behind, resting his chin on Jungkook's shoulder, standing on his toes to reach more comfortably. "If there's any other survivors it would make sense that they would go to the capital to see who else survived."

"Jimin," Jungkook sighed. "I know I said something a while ago about how we don't know whether or not there are others outside of Busan, but I don't want you getting your hopes up and then feeling disappointed when there's no one else. Please, don't expect anything. I'd hate to see you devastated over that."

"Don't worry," Jimin giggled. "I can live with it being just you and me forever. I hope there are others, but I don't need anyone else."

Jungkook suddenly turned and pulled Jimin closer, smashing their lips together.

"I don't need anyone else either," Jungkook murmured, leaning in again.

"I thought we were supposed to start sorting our things," Jimin reminded Jungkook between kisses.

"How am I supposed to focus on tasks when you say things like that," Jungkook complained, gripping on to Jimin's hips tightly.

"Like what?"

"Like how you need me and no one else," Jungkook bit his lower lip, using his thumbs to rub Jimin's sides. "That's such a turn on."

"Feeling useful is a turn on?" Jimin narrowed his eyes. "That sounds like a response to childhood trauma--"

"Or it's the feeling I get when I watch you beg for me because no one else can give it to you like I can," Jungkook said, lowering his voice sexily.

Jimin blinked and shivered, almost getting turned on enough to give in. But instead...

"It's probably just the trauma." Jimin shrugged, patting Jungkook's shoulder. "Now let's go start sorting and packing."

"Hey," Jungkook whined as Jimin walked away. "I was being sexy! Come back here and tell me I'm sexy!"

Jungkook followed behind Jimin like a lovesick puppy.

"Admit that what I said sounded hot!"

Jimin rolled his eyes, giggling at Jungkook's playfully dejected behavior.

He turned around to look at Jungkook and leaned against the wall. "How about this: As soon as we decide what we want to take with us, I'll be yours for the rest of the night. Deal?"

"You already belong to me, dummy," Jungkook made a silly face, sticking out his tongue.

"Is that a no?"

"No! I still want the deal!" Jungkook hurriedly replied.

"Okay. Then let's get going on deciding what to take with us."

As Jungkook passed by Jimin, he grabbed Jimin's butt.

"I definitely want to take this."

Jimin blushed and slapped his hand away.

"I meant our clothes and other possessions!"

"But your a** is  my possession, baby," Jungkook winked.

"Just go!" Jimin squeaked, running over to the storage room to start sorting through the boxes and bins in there.

After Jimin calmed down from his butterflies, he started looking at the boxes with labels. Everything that had his old roommate's name on it was shoved to one side. The side of things he knew he wasn't going to want or need. It wasn't even his stuff anyway.

Anything labeled clothing or medical he moved to the other side to sort through later. This was only the first round of elimination.

After all, everything they take with them will have to be able to fit in a car or truck.

While Jimin looked through storage, Jungkook started going through his own belongings in the bedroom and bathroom, and throughout the house. He took a big trash bag from the kitchen to store and throw away everything he didn't want to keep.

After he filled up the first trash bag, he realized this was going to be a long process.


Guess he'll have to wait an extra day or two before he can bang the Jibooty.

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