22: What Now?

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(A/N: So, um, I don't write smut but if any of y'all want to write it and post it then let me know and I'll try to figure out how to tag you or do a shout out so my readers can find it. Anyways...) 

Jungkook slowly woke up feeling more relaxed than he had felt in a long time. He looked down at Jimin who was still peacefully sleeping in his arms, and he smiled, feeling very contented.

Jimin started shuffling around in his hold to get comfortable, letting Jungkook know that he was waking up.

Jimin slowly opened his eyes and yawned.

"Good morning, baby."

"Good morning, Kookie," Jimin mumbled.

Jimin started sitting up and Jungkook pulled him back down. "No don't get up yet! I wanna cuddle more!"

"We can always cuddle after breakfast," Jimin reasoned. "I'm hungry."

"Fine, but we should probably shower before we eat," Jungkook hugged Jimin tighter, contradicting his own words.

"I want to shower first. I feel gross," Jimin pushed Jungkook's arms off of himself and finally got out of bed. Jimin sat back down immediately, hissing and rubbing his lower back.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook asked, sitting next to Jimin.

"It's been a while since I've had sex so I'm a little sore," Jimin explained as if it was obvious... which it kind of was.

"Oh!" Jungkook got up. "Do you need me to help you? I can carry you and help you shower."

"It's okay, I can handle myself. I've had worse," Jimin stood back up, becoming a little self conscious when he realized they were both still naked.

Jungkook pouted. "I want to help, though. I want to take care of you," Jungkook lifted his hand and lightly caressed Jimin's face.

"I'm an adult, I can take care of myself," Jimin pushed Jungkook's had away and started walking to the bathroom.

Jungkook followed. "Just because you can take care of yourself, doesn't mean you have to. You aren't alone anymore. You have me. We are supposed to take care of each other; that's what couples are supposed to do."

Jimin sighed. He knew Jungkook was right. He just didn't want to be a bother, and he didn't want to fall too deep yet. Just because they were together now doesn't mean they would be together forever. Even as the only people in Busan, they could argue and eventually break up, and spend the rest of their lives alone. It was entirely possible and just the thought of it made Jimin's heart ache.

Maybe he was already too deep to prevent heartbreak if they broke up.

In that case, they better not ever have a reason to break up. Jimin doesn't want life to change anymore. He liked having Jungkook by his side.

"I know that," Jimin responded lightly. "But I can still clean myself. Besides, would you even know how to help me clean up after our, um, activity last night?"

"I guess I don't know for sure," Jungkook shrugged, knowing that Jimin was the first male he had ever slept with. Aftercare for guys was probably a little different than with girls. "But you can walk me through it. Then I can help in the future, too."

Jimin knew Jungkook was stubborn. He doesn't know why he tried to argue in the first place.

"Fine. You can shower with me. Saves water anyway."


Jimin limped into the kitchen while Jungkook followed closely behind. Jungkoom offered to carry Jimin, but he was turned down.

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