The Projector

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We all arrived at Bill's house and met in his garage. Once everyone showed, Mike closed the garage door behind us. We all sat down next to Bill's protector. Bill hung up a map he took from his dad's office and lined the map up with the picture the projector was showing. I took a seat next to Eddie and in front of Stan.

I noticed the map on the projector matched up exactly to his map. "Look that's where G-George disappeared." Bill said, pointing at Jackson Street on the map. "There the Ironworks, the Blackspot." Bill pointed to where each were located. "Everywhere i-it happens its all connected by the sewers." Bill pointed out. "And they all meet up at the-" "The Well house." Ben interrupted Bill.

"That's the house on neibolt street." Stan stated. "You mean that creepy ass house where all those junkies and hobos like to sleep?" Richie asked. "I hate that place, I always feel like it's watching me." Beverly rubbed her legs. "I-I remember Betty telling me stories of that house and-and how she heard screams coming from that huh-house in the middle of the night." I said, trying to catch my breathe. I sounded like Mikey from The Goonies.

Eddie took a puff from his inhaler. "That's where I saw it. That's where I saw the clown." Eddie claimed. "Tha-That's where IT lives!" Bill exclaimed. Another puff came from Eddie. "I can't imagine anything wanting to live there." Stan shook his head. Eddie quickly jumped up. "Can we stop talking about this?" He blurted, out of breathe. "I-I-I can barely breathe, it's summer, we're kids! I CAN BARELY BREATHE IM HAVING A FUCKING ASTHMA ATTACK!" Eddie snapped.

"I AM NOT DOING THIS!" he ripped the map down. "What the hell?! Put the map back!" Bill demanded. "Mhm." Eddie shook his head. Then suddenly, the projector switched slides. No one was touching it though. It kept going. It kept switching to family photos, most having Georgie in the pictures. "What happened?" Bill asked, looking down at it. "What's going on?" Stan questioned. Eddie backed away. Mike started messing with the projector trying to get it to stop. "Guys.." Mike said.

It kept flipping slides. It sped up. Another family photo showed. It zoomed into Georgie's face. Faster. "Bill." Stan looked over. It then started showing his mom. Her hair blew into her face. When her hair was out of her face again she had changed into the clown. I started breathing heavily. It rapidly clicked. "WHAT THE FUCK?" Eddie jumped.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT? WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?" Richie tugged on Eddie and I. "I DONT FUCKING KNOW!" Eddie gripped on us pulling us into a huddle.

It continued to flicker in and out. The projector started to make noise. Sounded like it was going in and out. "TURN IT OFF!" I screamed. Mike ran over to the projector and kicked it. It fell to the ground, it's photos fell out

It continued to switch slides. Slowly. Then it fully stopped. We all tried to catch our breathe again. Suddenly.. IT popped out through the screen. It's bright red hair, it's glowing yellow eyes, it's sharp yellow teeth. It was huge. It crawled on it's hands chacing after Beverly. We all backed away. But it had Beverly cornered. She had no where to go. Me, Eddie, and Richie were all tripping on eachother trying to get as far away from it as possible.

Ben quickly opened the garage door shining the sun on it. It disappeared. Beverly was shooken up. She walked over to us all. "Thanks, Ben.." she placed her hand on his shoulder. She then walked over to Bill and hugged him.

Eddie was still trying to catch his breathe. "It saw us.. It saw us and knows where we are!" Eddie panicked. "It always did." Bill stated. "Suh-suh-so let's go." "Go'? Go where?" Ben laughed. "Neibolt." Bill replied. "After that?" Stan asked in disbelief. "Yeah, it's summer. We should be outside." Richie excused. "If you say it's summer one more fuh-fuh-fucking time." Bill snapped.

He got on his bike and began to ride to Neibolt. "Bill! Wait!" Beverly called. He didn't.

Not sure how to feel about this chapter, kinda short

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