Luke gets high?

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Luke was in the rebel base, in his room, looking at his younger face, when not at a picture. It had been a long day.

Flash back

Luke Skywalker walked down the hall of the rebel base with his best friend, laia. He had just returned from a mission. They were walking from his x-wing, to the mess hall, Luke hadn't eaten for hours. When they got in there was a big commotion at the other exit of the hall. A huge crowd of people, and aliens, screaming about something.

"What's that about?" Luke asked Laia. When he looked at her, she looked nervous. Was she hiding something?

"Well, we have a new recruit and he's really hard to deal with. He's impertinent, and he doesn't care for the leaders here, he's probably resisting going back to his temporary quarters. You know the way he talks about his past, I'm pretty sure he has done drugs at one point in his life. And he's really like Han in a few ways, but worse."

Luke listened to what Laia had to say he was very interested in who this person was. Laia said 'he', and 'he's really like Han'' Luke was getting a mental picture of this person, and he wasn't sure if he liked it. One Han was all he and Laia needed, and needed that one back.

Laia continued, "I didn't tell you because there are some... inconsistencies in his story. And if he didn't check out we would've sent him to interrogation, we'll find out if he checks out today actually."

Luke nodded.

They entered the line for lunch, and continued talking on smaller subjects.

Laia had a worried look. "What?," Luke exclaimed after several minutes, "what do I not know?."

Laia sighed, and leaned back in his seat. "Listen Luke, I think it would be easier to explain if you met him yourself. He's... quite a character."

Luke didn't know what to make of it. "When do you think I could meet him?" He looked at his friend with his notorious innocent look.

"Actually Luke, you'll meet him after this. We have to go meet with Mon Mothma, she'll explain it. Along with the new...guy." Laia explained.

After that they ate in silence. They listened to the hub-bub of the cafeteria. When they finished their food, and put the trays into the conveyor belt that led to the dishwasher. Laia led the way to Mon Mothma's office.

They all paused at the door, they all weren't sure if they wanted Luke to meet the new recruit. Laia was the one who finally opened the door. They heard Mothma's voice telling them to come in.

Luke walked in first to get it over with. What he saw shook him, and obviously shook the new recruit but he hid it better. The only reason why he knew it shook him was it was his face, a few years younger maybe 15.

The young man looked at Mon Mothma and burst out laughing. "You weren't kidding. He really does look like me! This is too good." He settled down.

"What's going on here?" Luke looked at Laia, but before they could answer the younger man intervened.

"Did they not tell you anything? Typical of the rebels. Don't worry no one tells me anything either. But that's mainly because no one trusts me."

Luke looked at the boy. He decided to go the old fashioned way to find out who he is. He stuck out his hand, "commander Luke Skywalker, good to meet you."

The other boy smiled and held out his hand. "Luke... Skywalker. Man it's been a while since I've been able to call myself that. You see, I'm from an alternate reality...apparently."

Mon Mothma gave a nod of confirmation. "He popped out of a portal, in the middle of a meeting. The portal closed and a letter came out after. It said he wasn't a spy but an alternate version of Luke Skywalker."

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