Luke wants to play?

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Luke and Fixer were getting along great.

Fixer was sarcastic, and cynical of everyone and everything. But was a natural at fixing things, and he was also a natural at getting into trouble. Several times Laia had to save both boys from something that fixer did that got them in trouble.

Luke was always the one who tried to keep Fixer out of trouble. Eventually Fixer gave Luke his own nickname 'goodie-to-shoes' or 'shoe-sy' for short. But it wasn't used in public, manly when they were in their room.

But over all they were getting along great. They were confidants in the fact of their father was Darth Vader which brought them even closer. Luke was able to vent to Fixer about bespin, and Vader.

While Fixer was able to tell Luke about his Vader. Luke knew it was probably stupid to hope his dad was like the other Luke's, but still he loved the storys Fixer would tell him.

They were walking in a corridor. They were going to go to the hanger, so Fixer and Luke could practice their flying.

Luke and Fixer continued to walk. When they got to the hanger there was a commotion. Luke rushed forward, Fixer lagged behind. Fixer couldn't help but think if there was trouble he had better stay in the back. He felt bad for leaving Luke alone to face it, but when he thought of the possibility of not going home. He was worried about what would happen to the galaxy, to his Vader. He then heard a child's loud shriek.

'A child on a rebel base? Who would bring a kid on a rebel base where he could get hurt?' maybe it was because of that time he had taken care of those kids, but Fixer rushed forward to stand next to Luke. What he saw both confused and made him Lough.

A small blond headed boy about 6 was in a ship, looking very excited. Laia was trying to get him down, and was getting very frustrated. Luke looked at Fixer, and Fixer knew that Luke had recognized him as well. There was only one thing to do with this little whippersnapper.

"We have water! Fresh, and cold water!" Luke and Fixer yelled they got several strange looks, but it got the little boy attention.

"Water?" The kid asked. Luke nodded, he knew that it would get his attention, after all Luke couldn't help but be fascinated by water still after all the years off Tatooine.

"Yeah kid, all the water you want." Fixer said. The little boy scrambled out of the ship and ran to the two Skywalkers.

Laia walked to them amazed. "How did you know that would work?"

"All people from Tatooine loves water. There are wars over water on Tatooine." Luke explained.

"Ok, but how did you know he would take you up on your offer of water?" Both boys looked at each other and said in union.

"He's us when we were younger."

Laia face palmed, "of course he is"

(With author-chan)

"Hahahaha, that was hilarious!" Author chan was in class, but watching the other universe in her mind palace.

"Man Laia you get the short end of the stick too often!" Author-chan giggled in her mind.

The teacher rapped on the desk. "Hey @#$&!@? pay attention!"

"Yes miss." But author-chan was still watching the other world.

(With the Vader's)

Vader3 came through the door, practically running. "I feel him he's here in this universe!"

"Are you sure?" Vader asked.

"Yes I'm sure, I can tell between your sons and mine. I hope he doesn't destroy anything." The others could tell he was really stressed, but they didn't know what to do to help. They never had to worry about a six year old Luke. 

"meditate, focus on the force and calm down panicking wont help your son." Vader said. Vader3 hated to admit it, but he was right. Vader3 nodded, walking out of the room the other two were in. Vader2 looked to Vader. They both were very worried for both their own sons, and each other. All Vader2 could hope for was that his Luke would reach out to him through the force. 

Vader2 knew exactly why his Luke hadn't said anything. The force was slightly different then the force in their own universe, not much to make choking someone hard, but talking to someone across the universe was something else. He had been trying to talk to him, but to talk to him he needed Luke to talk to him first before they could talk like before. He could only hope he would talk soon.

(with the Lukes)

The three boys were in their room. The littlest was playing with some model ships, while the older two talked in lowered tones.

"Your sure your...father is here too?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. It was hard the last few days to find him, but now I've gotten used to the way the force feels in this universe."

Luke nodded, "and he'll just tell you where you will meet up?"

Fixer gave him a look, "your coming to right?"

"I don't know..." Luke sputtered, "I don't have a good... relationship with my...father. last time he tried to turn me!"

Fixer frouned, it was true his dad (considering who he was) sounded better then who Luke had gotten.

"It will be ok! Luke!" The little boy said. "It's true dad can be a little scary, and it took some time to get used to him, but then I day he does the best things ever!"

The two older ones couldn't help but smile at how cute Luke was/Fixer should've been.

"Fixer," Luke came to a decision. "Can you try to contact your Vader and tell him about the situation?"

"Sure, shue-sy!" Luke said nothing, but waited patiently. The little one seemed to have gone still. A couple minutes later Fixer opened his eyes. "He said to meet him on mustafar"

"Is it..." Luke took a deep breath and continued, "is it just him?"

Fixer smirked a smirk that was worth the son of Vader. "Nope!" He said poping the 'P'. "There are three coming, one for each!"

Little Luke burst out in happy laughs, Fixer looked relieved, but Luke wanted to run to the other end of the galaxy.

(With author-chan)

"Yes!! Yes! Things are heating up!"

Sorry I haven't posted in a while but I needed a quick break! Thank you all for you patience!

Should I continue???

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2021 ⏰

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