Chapter Three

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I woke up to the horrid smell of rotten flesh. I lay on my back in a pool of water. Over me towered a bulky man. "Come." He rumbled in his deep monotone voice. He sounded like he was from the Nether. I groaned and got up, my back aching. He coughed my hands behind my back and forced me through an iron door. He slid something through a slot in the wall. A red glowstone lamp above the door changed from red to green, and the doors opened. The guard picked me up like I was as light as a feather and chucked me through the closing doors. Soon after, I sat in a cage with bars, chained to the wall. The grey filthy walls smelled like sweat, And I swear I found some silverfish slithering around. A guard sat next to my cell, snoozing. He had the key to my cell connected to something sticking out of his pants. Wait a second.

It's connected to his underpants.

I spotted another helpless guy on the other side of the cage. "Hi missy," he said. "I'm Bob. Or Steve. I don't know. Maybe Bob Steve. Or Steve Bob. Or maybe banana head."

"What's a banana?" I questioned at the guys obvious craziness. "Beats me!" he shrugged. Or tried to shrug. Being chained to the wall didn't help anything. I checked my inventory. Only my bow and an old fish. I was right next to the snoozing guard on the other side of the bars. I wiggled around and slipped a hand out of the handcuffs and tugged at the key connected to the underwear. But then, a guard with bulging muscles came into the room. I slipped my hand back into the cuffs and pretended nothing was happening. I didn't want to have to face this guy in battle. Buff Guy (What I decided to call the man) came into the cell and locked me and Steve from the wall. It's time to escape! I thought. But before I could move a step, he slipped some chains on us. Then he led us into a mine and what I saw in front of me awoke a bit of hope of escaping. The broad cavern was filled with people mining, but only a few guards were visible. The moment they slipped the chains off I bolted. But not before grabbing the Steve's hand and running. I only saved him because I knew that if he spent another second here, he'd go insane. He got the message and started running. The guards shout echoed through the cavern. When all the men behind us started running, I got an idea. I took the fish from my inventory and threw it behind me. A muffled "oof" let me know that my plan worked. Soon, the guards were at a crumpled heap in the middle of the hallway. We reached the door at the end of and shoved it open, stumbling through the doorway and shutting the door. The guards who were not in the pile pounded on the door. But me and Steve were not prepared for what was in front of us.

"Do we go through it, Alex?" Steve asked. How does he know my name? I thought. I never told him! But I didn't worry about that problem at the moment. "I'm not sure. I don't think we are prepared." I replied, unsure of what to do next. Suddenly, the door gave way, and the guards charged. I shoved Steve into the end portal and jumped in after him.  

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