A Christmas Prince

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Blow, blow, thou winter wind 

Thou art not so unkind 

As man's ingratitude; 

Thy tooth is not so keen, 

Because thou art not seen, 

Although thy breath be rude. 

       “This one?” Jed asked, two rows down.

       I shoved my gloved hands in my pocket and trailed over to him and the tree he was standing next to. It had been awhile since I had done this.

       I looked over the evergreen, checking for empty gaps, dead branches, and the correct height. That was the tenth tree we had looked at that day. “Looks good,” I nodded, raising me eyebrows and inspecting it a final time. “Let’s take it home,” I said as he started cutting the bottom.

       After, we brought it to my house and stood it on the stand. Jed dragged my parent’s dusty ornaments up from my basement and we began decorating the tree. I turned on one of my old Christmas CDs and caused both of us to dance as we embellished the evergreen. Once finished, the tree glowing and excess ornaments put away, the music still warming the room. Jed and I attempted ballroom dancing, or he taught me by allowing me to stand on his feet. From what I knew, he was a good dancer. The room spun as we danced and it felt as if we were floating on the classic holiday music.

       When I became too dizzy, he made hot chocolate for us and I changed the music by plugging in my iPod. All I Want For Christmas by My Chemical Romance blasted as he handed me my drink and sat down.

       I took a sip. “Watch out, it’s still hot,” he said afterwards. My tongue burned and I bit it to help ease the pain.

       “Thanks,” I mumbled sarcastically, still getting used to the sudden pain. I set my drink down on the side table.

       Jed looked down and took a dreary sip, “Sorry.”

       “There’s something you can do to fix it, though,” I grinned, puckering my lips.

He set his hot coco on the table and leaned over, placing his lips on mine.       My voice laughed quietly as the song changed to a softer, modern Christmas song. My arms tangled around his neck while he kissed the corner of my lips. A smile crept on my face and heat rose to my cheeks.

He pulled slightly away. “Better?” he leered devilishly.

       “Yes,” I grinned again.

       I reclined and his body hovered over mine. His lips tickled the bridge of my nose. I laughed and pushed him away. “No!” I cried, still giggling. I ran my hand through my hair and shoved it away from my face. It was getting longer, but at a very slow rate.

       Jed was stretched out at the other end of the couch and I made the decision to crawl over and sit on his lap. “You’re not getting away, Mister!” My legs hooked around his hips and I placed a kiss on his nose.

       “I have no problem with that,” he smirked, pressing his lips on my cheek in return before I listened to his heartbeat. I allowed his fingers to sift through my curls and trace patterns on my back before saying “Merry Christmas.”

Heigh-ho! sing, heigh-ho! unto the green holly: 

Most freindship if feigning, most loving mere folly: 

Then heigh-ho, the holly! 

This life is most jolly. 

       We were still curled up on the couch hours later with hot coco untouched, but I had popped in The Rocky Horror Picture Show a while back. It was Jed’s first time seeing it and I was screaming the lyrics at the top of my lungs. “It’s just a jump to the left, then a step to the right, put your hands on your hips and bend your knees in tight!” I wailed to Jed’s constant laughter. He loved every minute of my show.

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