Chapter 4- Nice to See You Again

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"EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!" That is what we heard when the Doctor opened the door just a crack, millions of screeching voices screaming nothing but EXTERMINATE over and over again.

"What the hell are we doing on a dalek ship?" the Doctor asked himself. Once we turned around towards the console a bright white light shined in the TARDIS, once the lighting was back to normal there was a short blonde girl standing right beside the console. While the two of us stared at her the TARDIS shut down.

"No!" The Doctor yelled while running around the console pressing every single button on it which didn't seem to work. I was still staring, not at the girl or the Doctor, I was staring at nothing but all I could hear was a thumping noise in my head. It sounded a lot like a heart beat, but whose? Once the Doctor was done running around knowing he couldn't do anything, he looked at the girl again, "Rose?" all she did was nod and he ran up to her and gave her a huge hug as if they hadn't seen each other in a while. Maybe that's why he seemed gloomy? I just stood there until the Doctor shook me "Mystery? Is everything alright?" He asked, I nodded and he smiled then he turned around. "We have to get out. And I mean out those doors" he said with a plain tone while he pointed at the doors of the TARDIS. "But the daleks can't get inside. You put extrapolating shields" Rose said. "But as you can see the TARDIS is dead. If we don't get out soon they'll come in" he said in defeat as he started to walk towards the doors with Rose while I just stood where I was listening to that same heartbeat. "Mystery?" I looked at the Doctor as he clasped his hand on the door handle and opened it. He and Rose walked out one after another while once I was at the door they automatically shut in front of me before I could get out.  "Doctor! Doctor!" I screamed as I banged on the door while on the other side the Doctor was trying to open the door. "Why did the TARDIS door close by itself? What are you doing?" I heard the Doctor's voice and then I heard a scratchy voice reply "This is not of dalek origin , this is timelord treachery." "Yes but they don't shut on their own". The next thing I know is that I'm falling to who knows where, I don't know what to do! The TARDIS is exploding and firing up in flames and all I can hear is that stupid heartbeat becoming faster and faster. I tumble to the ground landing right in front of a futuristic type jar with a hand inside it. I reach my hand out towards it and both mine and its hand starts to glow and shake. The glass breaks and the glowing hand lands on the crate like floor and starts to create a body. Once the body is created the shape jumps to reveal a naked replica of my Doctor.

"Oh my god, its you!"

"Oh yes!" He replies with his signature smile

"You're naked" I smile back and lift my eyes

"Oh yes!"


The Doctor's POV


I stared down at the endless pit in which the monsters dropped my TARDIS with my fiancé inside. I've had her back for only a day and I've already put her in danger. I begin to develop tears but hold them back. I turned around to face the daleks, "Where does it go?" I said sternly " The crucible has a heart of zed-neutrino energy" "But it'll be torn apart!" I yell trying to hold back emotions. "Please just get her out of there. Put me in her place, you can do anything to me just get her out of there!" I screamed I couldn't control myself. "The girl and the TARDIS will parish together".They showed a video of the TARDIS in the heart of the ship just sitting there as it disintegrates into nothingness. I couldnt take this, this is causing to much pain I just couldnt. While watching Rose walks up and puts my hand in hers. I'm still very tense and worried about Mystery, I can't loose her again.


There it is, chapter 4. Leave a like and a comment I truly appreciate it

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