The Battle For Aslan

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Stone centaur in the Witch's castle. Lucy and Susan are looking for Mr. Tumnus. Lucy finds him and starts to cry, while Susan hugs her. Aslan walks up and breathes on Mr. Tumnus, and Mr. Tumnus is restored. He falls forward into Lucy and Susan's arm. Lucy: Susan this is...

Susan: Mr. Tumnus!!!! They hug....then they see Aslan. Aslan: Come, let's search the castle - others may still be trapped inside and Peter will need all the help he can get.

Peter: Ed! There are too many of them! Go! Get out of here! Percy: Get the girls, and get them home! Beaver: Come on, you heard him! Ed starts to leave, then sees the Witch. And starts to go back. Beaver: Peter & Percy said to go! Edmund: Peter & Percy's not Kings yet!

Edmund rushes down the hill and breaks the witch's sword, then she stabs him with the remainders of her wand. so the next thing that is actually said is a grunt issued from Edmund and...Peter & Percy: Edmund!!(silenced) Peter and the Witch fight, then they see Aslan.

Witch: Impossible! Aslan rushes to kill the Witch, everything disappears. Aslan: It is finished. The three Pevensies reunite. The two Diggory sisters reunite. Susan: Where's Edmund? The dwarf hobbles up and is about to finish Edmund. Susan: Edmund! (shoots arrow, kills the dwarf) Edmund coughs and gasps.

Lucy pulls out her cordial and places one drop on Edmund's lips. He stops moving momentarily before gasping and sitting up. Peter: When are you ever going to do what you're told? Laughing and hugging Group Hug Lucy gets the idea to heal everyone and she walks over to someone else who is hurt.

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